Making risk vs reward fair for all

Just because someone had an idea, doesnt mean it we cant trace back the first person who voiced their first opinion as to whether it was bad.

Who first thought that the Earth was flat?

low effort bait is low effort
but still manages to snag all these highsec suckers, lmao, nice job

Hurrr durrrr

  1. CCPlease force people into my gate camp.
  2. CCPlease force people into my gate camp.
  3. CCPlease force people into my gate camp.
  4. CCPlease force people into my gate camp.

But CCP have not reduced effective PVP risk to zero. So your entire basis for your argument is built on a false premise.

Note, I have never advocated for a blanket safety increase for high sec, I feel certain specific ships and such are out of balance, and certain things may be balanced but horribly unfun and could be handled in a more fun manner while retaining balance. So I may speak up on a specific risk element, but overall risk in highsec is fine, if unfun often.

again, maybe we need to define what is exactly that “risk” we talk about.

Personally I evaluate the risk, as the chance to lose more than what I accept to lose in an hour, multiplied by the cost of the loss, divided by the value I gain in that activity.

We all share the same risk of IQ drop when visiting threads like this. Now I has the dumb.

  • CCPLease force players to interact with each other instead of mindlessly solo farming all day.
  • CCPLease force players to interact with each other instead of mindlessly solo farming all day.
  • CCPLease force players to interact with each other instead of mindlessly solo farming all day.
  • CCPLease force players to interact with each other instead of mindlessly solo farming all day.

PS: why are we assuming that the people seeking PvE content are helpless perma-victims? After all, if you believe the claims of some people they outnumber PvP players by a significant margin. Perhaps the gatecampers should be concerned about CCP driving up the population of their systems and forcing them to face organized opposition that wants to farm in their system.

Wrong. Wars are now an opt-in mechanic that can easily be ignored and suicide ganking is only really a threat if you’re a complete idiot. Unless you voluntarily choose to engage in PvP the risk of losing your ship to it is essentially zero.

but, aint it as it has always been ?

Hardly anyone is bothering to suicide gank genuine newbies, unless they’re stupid enough to RMT a bunch of ISK.

wow you are really a special kind of idiot aint you?

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