Making Watch list color in Fleet chat channel

When i play in fleet i cant use application like mumble or teamspeak because im deaf so im always dependant of somebody who will be helping me during the fleet. To stay confortable i often keep a visual of my assistance by adding them in my watchlist and when i saw the coloring option i was like “why i cant apply the color in the chat too so when the fleet leader that i colored in red on my watchlist write something on the channel i see a red color easy to notice”

So that my suggestion : adding a way (optionnal?) to combine watchlist color and fleet chat channel highlighting


Because devs uses particular colors red being one of them, i think that is why you cant change color of chat to particular colors or at all. At least thats my presumption

I see what you mean but my suggestion is not forced to be like that too if dev want to keep it for them, like maybe a background highlight will do it too like the setting on the overview when we see red / blue / purple / green background highlight

Having a way to keep an eye on the fleet leader chat without having to read all the conversation in a fleet with 200 member would be really helpfull

theres an option to “highlight my message” maybe if the FC would do that it would highlight that they have spoken?

Well its not something i find usefull, having to always ask FC to highlight his message and then when in another fleet with the old FC as a member and a new FC to ask again for higlight and also ask the old FC to uncheck highlight, its not something that will work in my opinion but that exactly the kind of background i would like to set myself on member of my choice, like those who say they are assisting me in fleet channel and/or FC himself and more importantly choosing the color so its clear to see without the same color for all

Maybe if the feature is only in fleet dev wont have problems with their coloring in other channel

In this picture you can see the highlight that is not really easy to view but having the possibility to choose who i can highlight and which color it will be higlighted would be really nice like an option in watchlist “Fuse color with fleet channel” to check or uncheck
Even if i would prefere colored text i would still enjoy the colored background if the colored text is not possible

Don’t see the problem, if CCP employees/officials get 1-2 reserved colors and maybe bold letters. Other messages could have an “sync with watchlist coloring” option in the channel settings.

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ISD’s have like 2 or 3 colors depending on their role… devs are blue, gms are red.

most often from what i’m reading searching for deaf players in fleets, the FC would have someone relay messages since they mostly won’t have time to type out commands…

neat lil tooltip here from ISD for broadcasting

Well, the ideal solution would probably an Overlay tool for TeamSpeak/Discord/Mumble that real-time transkripts voice into text and display it for the deaf user. But thats nothing that CCP could solve. Maybe such a product does already exists on the market?

Broadcasting work in fleet and that great because as you say FC dont always have time to write

For now FC always relay in broadcast when i ask help but i noticed sometime broadcast dont have the feature needed so the FC write something i dont notice or say something in mumble i cant ear and if my assist is in private chat with me there is no problem but if i have assistance in fleet chat i need to rewind the chat that to see i havent missed something by rereading all i have missed in case.

That the case why using coloring would help to be aware faster in situation where time isnt a friend (like big fleet battle or whatever, but for now im doing fleet i can handle)

And to answer Syzygium : maybe something to transcript text in a subtitle text on my screen would help but that would hide a part of my game window and i would be like missing chat or overview thing, or locked target, or watchlist, or my ship module management etc… and all what is said in mumble would be texted so i would have to mute everybody but the FC
That would be something to try but i’m not sure i would work

Not always will the fleet commander have time to type commands in fleet chat, I think.

Wouldn’t it be better to ask them to always use broadcasts, and for someone else in fleet to retype the few important spoken commands to chat for you? It doesn’t need to be the FC, as long as someone takes on that role to make sure you also get the commands.

That’s how my fleet did it a couple of times when one member was without ability to use mumble.

As i said FC use broadcast, but sometime like “stay at gate”, “freeburn to X system” and other thing are said in mumble and yeah in fact the FC almost never write something in chat but sometime yes he does but in a fleet with 100 to 200 members chatting its not easy to spot and sometime the FC dont even have time to broadcast even if i asked he just speak on mumble but i always have assistance and the best use of this feature would be to color people helping me in fleet chat because i dont always have private chat

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