Man to launch himself in homemade rocket to prove earth is flat

So if I read all the articles right, it’s not his first rocket. There’s even a video in YouTube with recordings of one of his previous startings (it shows a severe perforated parachute, and he got some injuries by landing). At least with this background I guess he knows how to build a rocket (read: the engine).

However, as stated above, it’s quite stupid to target a height that is so low above the ground. He won’t see anything. At worst, it would only reinforce the idea that the earth might be flat. He needs to get at heights that are anywhere near at least 10, better 15 miles. Then he would get some evidence, because then he would actually see the earth is not flat.

If the paranoia is this high in technics made by other people, he could even do a Felix Baumgartner and get into the air with a helium balloon. At least that would get him to 20 miles heights.

I’ve read some comments on other newssites that suggest he doesn’t really believe the earth is flat and just uses the flat earthers to get a platform, a publicity. He might be just a show man.

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It’s as flat as on a 2 dimensional display screen without 3 or 4 dimensional systems.

Please, let natural selection do its work

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Non si può insegnare nulla a un uomo; si può solo aiutarlo a trovare dentro di sé.

-Galileo Galilei

Oh I meant the bit about people collecting the body parts lol. Getting blown up is his own fault.

Now I am not that familiar with US geography, but perhaps there is some island he can go to or perhaps take a boat into international waters and launch from there.

Do not enable him, lol

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Awww why not?, don’t you want an ear souvenir?

Think you mean a Souven-Ear don’t you? You people aren’t even trying…

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Maybe he just needs a hand.

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He needs two brain cells to rub together first.

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lol have to find them first, the “rocketeer” may end up spreading bodyparts over a few states, just like a serial killer.

Shame this is not happening here in Florida. Sounds like an authentic “Florida Man” story to me.

A Florida Man launched himself into the air with a rocket made in his own garage to prove to the world that the Earth is indeed flat. Despite the flawless launch of the rocket Florida Man forgot to pack a parachute into his homemade craft and plunged into the ocean after the rocket ran out of fuel.

The Coast Guard has yet to find the rocketeer but several pieces of his rocket have been found floating several miles away from where the rocket may have plunged into the ocean. The Coast Guard has said that they will end the search for Florida Man tomorrow.

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Legit. I happened to be in Colorado when the Columbia shuttle broke up and apparently I was quite close to some interesting “wreckage”…

I think you people play too much EVE, collecting corpses and stuff. :thinking:

Funnily enough it was a friends comment on my collection that got me into EvE in the first place.

Your collection of corpses or body parts??

Well most of them start off as the first and end up as the second really.