So, basically, in order for me to be, and live powerfully, I have to be passive and let random experiences teach me with no outside intervention to speak to less they impart wisdom to me and thus I’ve given up all my power to them.
My immortal life must be nothing more than an infinite series of random happenstance because the moment I try to make sense out of my experiences. Especially with another person, I’ve given up my power.
Good to know.
What does this have to do with medical experts imparting their wisdom, and knowledge on matters of clean, vs, diseased blood?
I love how culture is conveniently used to cover blatant ignorance. You speak a bunch of utter nonsense about power being given up at the hands of seeking an expert opinion or advice, suggesting that the true way to be powerful is to remain ignorant.
I guess there is something to be said for that age old saying: “Ignorance is bliss.” I guess that holds especially true in your “culture.”