Mapping The Abyss

The purpose of this thread is for discussing mapping of Triglavian Abyssal space. I’ve ran dozens of various filaments so far, and I have found a multitude of environment types. However, I don’t think that Abyssal space is truly procedurally generated. I have noticed similarities in many filaments, and in one case I’ve entered the exact same Abyss twice. I’ve also entered an Abyssal filament where a previous unfortunate player had his ship destroyed and podded and was still there waiting to be looted. If that particular filament that I entered was meant for me alone and procedurally generated for me when I used that filament, the other player and his wreck wouldn’t be there.


I think that there may indeed be many, many different Abyssal filament spaces, but they are all actually fixed points in Triglavian space, much like our own known space. I offer as evidence, the Triglavian Collective agent Peruna Clade, which can be found in the Interactions tab of your character sheet. You will note that if you destroy a Triglavian Research Facility, shortly after you finish the Abyssal space pocket, you will receive a notification stating that your standing with this particular agent has decreased by -1.2 and a location where the Research Facility was destroyed is also noted.


You will notice that I destroyed this particular Research Facility in an area of Triglavian space the agent lists as 32000137. I used a Tier 1 Calm Exotic Filament to access this space. You will also notice that at the top left of your screen there is a system indicator, just like there is in normal space, noting the name of the system you are in.


The name of the Abyssal pockets are written in Triglavian characters or symbols. I have began tracking these symbol names along with the type and tier of filament used to access specific pockets. This is an example list I have compiled so far.

One of the goals of this thread is to see if these Triglavian symbols can indeed be deciphered, and if so, what relation do they have to the type and tier of filament used. If any other players have been taking notes of this, please add yours to the list of known Abyssal pockets. Unfortunately I didn’t think of this right off the bat, so I missed quite a few initially, but so far I have documented:

32000002 Tier 1 Calm Exotic
32000012 Tier 1 Calm Firestorm
32000026 Tier 1 Calm Firestorm
32000035 Tier 1 Calm Electrical
32000043 Tier 1 Calm Gamma
32000044 Tier 2 Agitated Dark
32000045 Tier 1 Calm Electrical
32000057 Tier 1 Calm Firestorm
32000063 Tier 1 Calm Firestorm
32000074 Tier 1 Calm Firestorm
32000106 Tier 1 Calm Electrical [encountered this one twice]
32000108 Tier 1 Calm Gamma
32000122 Tier 1 Calm Gamma
32000137 Tier 1 Calm Exotic [encountered this one twice]
32000138 Tier 1 Calm Dark [this one had another dead player already in it]
32000161 Tier 1 Calm Exotic
32000162 Tier 1 Calm Dark [encountered this one twice]
32000173 Tier 1 Calm Gamma [this one had another dead player already in it]