SO ccp when are u gona nerf this dam ships?? They are crazy cheap and crazy OP , or just make a button , win game … or kill ship … this will solve the problems … if people need mega OP ships to kill some rats … than just make kill all button , so u clik it and evrything dies in 1 sec …
I dont know CCP what are u trying to do with this crazy OP ships… if u want all people to quit the game , just shut down the server and problem solve.
when 1 cheap t1,t2 fited marauder can easy kill 4 blingy fited pirate faction BS ships than something is very wrong … and not just kill the pirate bs ships but over power them so they have no chance to do anything… like the f ??? this is kinda simular to that button …
The only reason i can see this being the case is if the small ship is fast and hard to hit. But then the small ship would also have a hard time hitting anything. But come to think of it large naval ships has an arsenal of weapons, they can even destroy incoming planes.
But in most cases the bigger ship or vehicle has such thick armor or powerful shields that the weapons of the smaller ship just cant penetrate it. Thats how things actually work except in EVE online in most cases. Im sure there is a good reason for that.
You froget… Smallships have ranges longer than these bigger ships. They can simply kite and orbit at 1-2k m/s and avoid nearly everything except torps/cruise that would deal no damage.
Frigates are known as “wolfpacks” they hunt together to take down “whales” aka battleships and larger.
Most frigates will never come close to 15-20+km and be webbed as that means instant death anyways.
What pirate BS vs. what marauder?
What were the fits? Bling doesn’t necessarily mean good fit.
For an example, a 2 or 3 XLASB vargur is a hell of a nut to crack, but 4 vindis should be able to just DPS it down when he’s forced into reload if they can hold tank against the “staggering” 2600 DPS a perfectly skilled vargur with a t2 burst rig and 4 t2 gyros can put out.
If it wasn’t a vargur or golem, then lack of neuts is probably the big thing to blame, as the strong active tank of a good marauder is scarily cap hungry and can be broken with good neut pressure since most faction BS have at least one utility high.