These changes suck. If people are complaining that the game isn’t how they want to experience the game, they should play it differently. The Market was better the way it was. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
If you want to succeed at Jita trading, you have to commit to Jita trading. I start and end my EVE Sessions in Jita. Why? Because that’s how I make money at Jita Trading. If people realize their method isn’t working to make money at Jita Trading, you don’t change the mechanics of Jita Trading, you simply tell your playerbase to either find a new way to play Jita Trading or don’t play. You don’t change the mechanics to appeal to people’s desire not to adapt.
Anyway - thanks for killing the Jita Trading experience. I suppose I should do something else with my life. It’s been 10 years!
For your upcoming release, would you consider, adding either an option, or allowing editing your .yaml config file of EVE Launcher?
All that, in order for the fortunate capsuleers who own dual, triple, quad or more monitors and more than one character, to group launch each client in, user assigned, different monitor and take consideration of each monitor resolution and client micro-configuration (zoom level, font size, etc)
And this new “Oasis of Faith” SKIN, I am truly sorry but I believe that it should have been targeted to Minmatar, as the green resembles to copper (Cu) patina.
The trend in gaming is to cater to the squeaky wheel.
When 1 group gains an advantage, someone complains, and things change.
In another game, quite different, but still an MMO:
I took a Life Wizard and set my deck for how I liked to do arena 1 vs 1.
I was able to consistently beat players even several levels higher.
Next update: the “over powered” life wizards got Nerffed out of competitions.
They literally couldn’t do enough damage to kill an enemy in 6 hours of battling.
(Yes, I had a single match that lasted over 6 hours)
Next step? Limit matches so they couldn’t run 6 hours.
I asked around to find out the hardest class to PvP with, and got “Balanced School” as the consistent answer.
After I started doing PvP with Balanced, the general consensus was that Balanced was too OP…
This is just the way games work, because they are human perception driven.
Good play and teamwork should win nearly every time, but when you win consistently, someone concludes it is because things are out of balance.
In the past, if you read enough, you’ll see Amarr was “too powerful” and now they are nearly obliterated in faction war. This shift seems to have happened after a “re-balancing” against the over powered Amarr.
That being said: I do agree that the changes are detrimental to trading.
I’m not “crying” about the changes, but I do see them as detrimental.
I also don’t see them as a solution to botting.
I see them as a tax implemented under the guise of a solution.
For me personally: they don’t make much difference.
I think I’ve only been in a change war once?
But overall: it will mean less liquidity in the markets, and that hurts when compounded with the current market setup.
Yep. I know how it comes across. Honestly I’ve played chess the same way for 36 years, (most of my life) and I’m pretty sure the pieces moved the same way long before I started playing the game. If some snowflake decided the Knight shouldn’t move the way it does, and instead should be changed, I’d be unwilling to adapt to the change. Make a new game if you want to cherry pick the mechanics that appeal to you.
I don’t care about re-listing fees. I care about the extra inventory I now have to dump and the amount of effort required to dump it. I will adapt of course, but I’m bummed out because I wanted to come back to the game I remember, not another game where the devs change things when the snowflakes complain. Nearly every computer game I’ve enjoyed for years is getting this treatment.
Also, while the RL stock market is crashing, I was hoping to enjoy the EVE one.
Do you even know what the words you’re saying are or are you just repeating a meme you saw when you read a post by someone you thought was smarter than you because they used the word “liquidity”?
Can you explain what you just said there because given your response to my comment, you don’t seem to know what you’re talking about.
I was referring to the new relisting fees, if that helps.
Yup, liquidity is the ability to move goods through the markets. If you can’t adjust pricing to reflect supply and demand, then the trading slows, and goods don’t move.
The ironic thing is: you seem to be against the relisting fees, and hostile to my being against them.
I’m sorry you have no clue what I’m talking about.
You should maybe take a course in economics.
To help you out:
Liquidity is how “liquid” an asset is. That is to say: the inverse of its viscosity.
Viscosity is the resistance to flow, the inhibition of movement.
Supply is the goods available for sale in the market.
Demand is number of goods desired.
The supply varies with the price, as does the demand.
Typically the supply goes up as price increases, and demand goes down with increasing price.
The point that the 2 curves intersect is the point when the price exactly balances supply and demand.
Hopefully you can now understand the basics of a free market system, but I still encourage you to take economics.
This just there is dumb. Completely dumb. Why would someone congratulate CCP for the introduction of a button to alleviate a feature that was never necessary? No one ever needed automatically expanding market categories ever. There already was a button to expand a market category; the crosshair button in the item page.
Now people congratulate CCP for introducing a feature to make a completely useless, frustrating and annoying feature slightly less frustrating, annoying. This behavior right there is why we cannot have good things anymore. Rejoicing over stupidity.
Me: Lists buy order for 80% of regional average
CCP: No, stop that. You’re scamming players. We will now warn them.
Me: Lists order for 48% to avoid warning.
CCP: Now never update your orders.
Me: What, how am I supposed to stay above regional average?
CCP: I’m helping.
And I just learned that CCP added 3 new missions in February (by accident). Level 2 only but better than nothing. And no where did CCP talk about that. No where. Only 1 line in the patch notes. Something positive of this utterly garbage patch gets completely ignored by CCP even though CCP knows how much people want new missions. This is ridiculous.
Fantastic. That is actually good news. @CCP_Habakuk
Yea but chess is hardly a good example to what we are dealing with here.
I’m in agreement with you that this probably has broader implications than they or we realize. I for one do a lot of industry outside of Jita and still update most of my orders more than a few times before they completely fill because I list anywhere from 100-1,000 of a several t2 modules at a time. I will go and update them once or twice a week. Even these two changes a week will add up and severely effect my margins even despite me not actively trading or running a bot.
No game play aspect is safe from changes / balancing. There will always be changes to the mechanics of the system as is their right. How we react / adapt is up to us. Whether we decide to move along or change our play style.
Trading slows? Maybe a singular persons trading but in the bigger picture… Warp disruptor IIs and Guns / ships are still being blown up and bought. The overall movement is not going to significantly change… sure whos orders fill and how the items are sold and put on the market may change. But to say this change is going to make less ships blow up and less things need to be replaced is absurd.
So its 10m on a 45b Item. Who gives a ■■■■ its still 0.1 ISK game just that we pay now a ■■■■ ton of money for doing it and in the end after 7-8 adjustments = margin gone trade dead.
If CCP Doesn’t Reduce the Taxes for changing orders it’s the death of Active Market Trading.