MarketBot - The Discord bot for fetching price and order information

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you…

Discord MarketBot for EVE Online!

Its purpose is to get information from the EVE Online market for specific items and in specific regions.

It uses a combination of the EVE-Central API,, the EVE Swagger Interface and the Static Data Export provided by CCP.

The bot can “guess” which item you meant if you type a part of the word or spell it wrong, it can also get the item name from just the item ID.


MarketBot is currently running in my development channel, where you can test the bot, ask questions and have a nice chat with me and others.

You can add this bot to your own Discord channel.
It is also possible to self-host this bot, more information about that can be found on GitHub


  • /price <item name> /region <region name> - Fetch the lowest and average prices for an item, both buy and sell orders.
  • /sell <item name> /region <region name> /limit <limit number> - Fetch the cheapest market sell orders for an item.
  • /buy <item name> /region <region name> /limit <limit number> - Fetch the highest market buy orders for an item.
  • /data - Show some data about the bot.
  • /info - Print a message with command information

/region and /limit are always optional.


The bot in action

Image of price command

Image of price command with wrong spelling

More information

Information about self-hosting, command aliases, logging, new features and the source code is on GitHub!


MarketBot version 1.1.0 is out and brings many new features! Among them are price tracking, improved error messages, reworked command output, more stability and loooooooots of bugfixes!

Under the hood I’m now using the latest Typescript features and development with them is a breeze, expect more features to arrive soon! :smiley:
Suggestions for features are always welcome!

Try Marketbot in my development channel or add the bot to your own server!

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Very well written! love that you’ve used Typescript, we need more type safety in Javascript :grinning:

We need less PHP and more node in these parts!

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Hey guys! MarketBot 1.3.0 is out and it’s a version I’m super proud of! This new version is loaded with new useful commands, enhancements to old commands, as well as tons of improvements to the code itself.

The changelog:

  • Added command documentation on
  • Added /history command, used to get information about the price history of an item.
  • Added /item command, used to get info and details about an item.
  • Added ability for /track-clear to remove entries of a single item, instead of everything.
  • Now fully using EVEMarketer instead of EVE-Central
  • Removed time limit from tracking commands.
  • Tracking commands can now be used in public channels.
  • Slowly implementing TypeORM instead of Sequelize, tracking commands are already using it.
  • More internal refactoring
  • Many updated packages

There’s still a lot of features and ideas left that I’d like to implement, you can expect more updates soon!

Try Marketbot in my development channel or add the bot to your own server!

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Is this offline?

Looks like, not working on my server even with permissions and stuff