Mass Test on Singularity Friday, January 31st 18:00 UTC - Local Chat

Anyone can log in? )

the official test is over

still can log in howeverā€¦

Somehow I got only two Skill Injectors instead of promised 150?.. Sad, sad, sad

Did you have 2 from tranquility?

Usually too early for rewards to be given out

There was an issue with the tool used to distribute the Large Skill Injector rewards. Instead of them being added to personal hangars we have seeded them on to the FD-MLJ market, as with other items, for 100 ISK.

Players are free to grab their 150 injectors from the market.

Players who mass buy the items will be subject to disciplinary action, as when they mass buy other items.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


One hundred ISK is the new One ISK. Thanks anyway.

I brought all the accounts out but the fleets were full.

I hope the test was a success.

Kind regards

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Updated my post to reflect the price. Thanks for coming to the test, next time we will look to add more fleets based upon turnout.

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Is Sisi going to kick everyone out at 12am on the 3rd of Feb right on the dot or will it be up until the end of the 3rd ?

DT most likely

Whatā€™s the point of the LSI when you canā€™t use them anyway because Sisi is not accessible 99% of the time?

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So unlucky, missed the event and opportunity to test some Sov mechanics and Lance dreds. :sunglasses:

To test new ships and game mechanics for everyone who did not missed it and read this topic.

You only get the injectors AFTER the test and by the time of the next test, SISI will have been reset and the LSI are long gone. Again: Whatā€™s the point?

not necessarily be resetā€¦ and if they do remirror it, theyā€™ll probably put back any LSI not previously purchased, similar to the rewards they used to give. theyā€™d give the skillpoints back on.

besides, this time they left sisi open all weekend after the mass testā€¦ so folks who did participate in the mass test, had all weekend to use the LSIā€™s and test ships.

Thatā€™s something that should have been said in the announcement post. Iā€™d also have participated had I known that from the start.

It was known it was open til monday when they announced it

it was announced ā€˜beforeā€™ā€¦ lead a horse to the message but canā€™t make them read it. :grinning:

I mean when they announced the test, they mentioned at the same time it was open til monday