We are planning a mass test on Singularity this Friday, January 31st, at 18:00 UTC (= EVE time) to test stability and reliability improvements to Local chat.
What exactly is being tested?
We want to make sure that Local chat is working exactly the same as before, only more stable and reliable.
In particular, we’d really appreciate your help with verifying that:
The Local chat member list updates correctly.
The Local chat performs well under heavy load with many players chatting.
How to connect to Singularity for this test
Change the server from Tranquility to Singularity in the bottom right corner of the launcher and log in as normal. More detailed instructions are available here.
Test Instructions
Join the in-game channel masstesting. Instructions for the test will be in the channels MOTD.
Move yourself to FD-MLJ (type /moveme in any chat window and then select FD-MLJ in the list)
Join fleet W or X through fleet finder
Wait for the test to start for further instructions.
What else should I know?
150 Large Skill Injectors per character will be rewarded on Singularity for participating. The rewards will be placed into the personal hangar of participants in the FD-MLJ VII - Moon 2 - Intaki Bank Depository station after the test concludes (est. 20:00 UTC).
UPDATE: Large Skill Injectors will be placed on the market in FD-MLJ. See my reply further down this thread.
The Singularity database will be mirrored from Tranquility database on Tuesday, 28th January.
Singularity will remain open and accessible to players until Monday 3rd February.
Given that the server will be only open to the public for 5 days, and the reward is skill injectors, does that mean that all capitals, supers and titans will be seeded? Some of us would love to test out the new ships and old
forgive my newbro sheen, but when we move our character back to the Tranquility server will the skills purchased and injectors go with us or is this only for a burner character that will cease to have those skills and injectors when the test is over.
just want to know before I port over a main and accidently lose them due to something I didn’t understand.
so the injectors are just for the test and not really a reward to your main for participation. when singularity is over you will not have anything different than you had before the test started?
For sure. Test servers are closed for at least the last two years. I was inactive for 2024 and now it’s a good news that I can test some thoughts on it because of mass chat testing. So opened test servers for a while - it’s a reward yet by itself.
I’m with you bro. I was excited at first, but if I cant use the injectors on my real characters, whats the point? Lose ISK/time for nothing, is what it sounds like to me
I’m not looking for a pay out only understanding on what is happening and how it works.
I am going to help and fully see it as something that is better for the hole if you do help.
I was only currious if I bring my main over if I will loss my main or should I bring a fresh alt or what happens with the SP, and so on cause I am new and have never done this before.
I don’t need anything to jump over and help out. the term reward was just confusing as I didn’t know if it was truly something we are keeping or not.
it looks like not, but at least I know to bring a fresh character.
“The Singularity database will be mirrored from Tranquility database on Tuesday, 28th January.”
This means all characters, skills, and items you had on 28th Jan will exist when switching your launcher mode to connect to Singularity. No worries, it’s a copy. Nothing you do in the Singularity ‘universe’ will be copied back to the main server when it’s over. You’ll have to re-authenticate when logging in a character for the first time on Singularity.
The mass test will run tonight, however the test server will remain open over the weekend for the purpose of attempting to expose any other issues with the chat changes ; you are welcome to join tonight for as long as you are available, otherwise any participation over the weekend will also provide valuable information.