Mass Test on Singularity Wednesday, 16th of October, 1700-1900 (THATS ALOT OF DAMAGE)

Greetings Bug-Hungry Capsuleers,

As you may have heard in the recently announced Revenant expansion, we are bringing damage over time weapons to eve. In creating these weapons, we needed to refactor a large amount of code which handles all damage application in EVE! We therefore, would like to run a masstest on Singularity with the refactored code on Singularity, at 1700 on Wednesday the 16th of October.

Event Details:

What exactly is being tested?
We want to make sure that everything is still working as expected when it comes to damage in eve, so we’d like you to bring your favourite ship and weapons and shoot some things! We want to test the performance and stability of these changes with a wider audience and need your help :slight_smile:

Note: The testing build we will be using will not have the damage over time weapons on it, but it will be using the refactored code.

How to connect to Singularity for this test:

  • Change the server from Tranquility to Singularity in the bottom right corner of the launcher and log in as normal.
  • More detailed instructions are available here.

Test Instructions:

  • Join the in-game channel masstesting. Instructions are in the MOTD.
  • Move yourself to FD-MLJ (type /moveme in any chat window and then select FD-MLJ the list)
  • Join fleet W or X through fleet finder
  • Wait for the test to start for further instructions


:wink: :innocent: :psyccp:


“Damage of Time” weapons? :thinking: What is that? Sounds like a wild concept (time accelerator weapons).

OR do you mean “damage over time”? …

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Temporal Incursion imminent, brace for impact!


Imapigne using it on a ganker alliance, retroactively erasing their killboards and reimbursing all their victims.

:thinking: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

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Any idea when we can get on sisi?

Would be nice to have a bit of time to move, buy and fit something. An hour before hand would be ideal.


Will there be a mass test with the SCARAB available for use before Revenant drops? :smiling_imp:

…or do we need to wait until 12th Nov? :pensive:

Hi, guys! In this test, will we receive Skill injectors?

they are cheap and ready to buy from SiSi market iirc from the previous previous test

i think i even managed to maxout my unalocated SP limit :grimacing:

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No idea, but plex is cheap on singularity so if you have a bunch of skills you’re not going to use on the test server you can buy extractors and reinject those into any new skill.


“a lot”

“alot” is a wild animal

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Test server fun

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Replying live from the test — there aren’t any injectors or extractors of any kind on the market. PLEX is on the market, but there is no NES. I can’t think of any other way to inject.

I just want to fly what I can on TQ and not have to figure out on the fly what I can and cannot bring to the fight due to missing skills :frowning:

Why can you not fly what you can on TQ? Or is it an older mirror?

Its a very old mirror. I’d say from 6-9+ months ago. I think they said during the last mass test that the mirroring functionality is broken

At least you can fly the ships you could fly back then! Hopefully next time you’ll get more skills when they have a more recent mirror.

Isnt there a command for that to bump skills up?

anybody has kb shortcuts issue? :confused: mine are “disabled”
can’t lock, dock, F1, only mouse clicks, i’ve already tried to set defaults in settings…

I couldn’t use any of my regular keyboard shortcuts, but I’ve modified most of them so I assumed they were reset to default settings like the UI.

The radial menu is pretty good if you want to do stuff without keyboard shortcuts.

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Next time copy all files from


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Some screenshots from this tests :slight_smile: