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Great! Cuz I might! So I appreciate you taking the time to answer.
The examples you’re citing on the ‘smash and grab’ as ‘bad’ raise another question, though: Those two incidents represent the end-point moment of months of work on the part of other players to flip those specific individuals. Isn’t that a ‘well-planned takedown’?
If you might vote for me I’ll stay until the lights go out answering all the questions you have.
I believe Matterall would bring a mature and level headed aspect to CSM. I’ve spoken with him on multiple occasions and I know that his approach to EVE is focused on the greater community as opposed to nullsec alone. These reasons are why he has my vote.
I don’t think either judgement day or the bob director defection was months of work. Nor was the Nulli drop of sov during the fountain war, Or the disbanding of darkness of despair for that matter. All these were a few days from decision time at most, some were just hours of planning.
From whose decision time? Judgment day, for example: The Judge’s decision time? Or Aryth’s? All of these instances are things that involve people making end-point decisions after months or years of relationship-building on the part of other people, and it’s that work, by those other people, that I think you’re being dismissive of here.
And, like I said: you’re saying ‘smash and grab’ thefts are bad because they make it harder for people to trust their corp-mates… do you think things like Murder Inc don’t? Which of those is more like to drive people from the game: one person’s moment of rage, or finding out a whole bunch of your ‘friends’ were nothing of the sort?
I don’t know the answer, but you offer thoughtful and important perspectives and useful insight.
I take your, “Murder Inc” damaged corps and unfortunate side effect that CCP didn’t mitigate. The “Valentine operative” aspects are disturbing, as is the extent of collateral damage. Maybe it was the storytelling of the event that made it delicious; the insult of podding, the contract for the frozen corpse, the high status of the target, ect.
Not to take anything from Aryth or anyone, but I see Murder Inc style heist as miles apart from turning a player against his friends. Although Judge says he decided it himself, I know Goonswarm was courting another Co2 guy at the time. So there was a plot, but I don’t think there was much imaginative gameplay in it.
Even though I thought Judgement Day was a kind of deplorable and damaging to the game, I invited both Aryth and The Judge to talk about it on my show.
I would advise CCP to make corp permissions easier to work together towards a goal as a unit. There should be less devastation, especially from rage-quitters. It’s too easy.
Thanks Ken.
Perspectives, that’s what CCP needs. Multiple player perspectives to use as filters as they development EVE.
My perspective is different than the usual. I’ve studied and analyzed the game for a long time. The good and the bad.
Last night I was talking to Sapporro Jones (admin leader of TEST) who said the only thing that mattered was getting high sec players into null sec. From his perspective, it makes perfect sense. He offers inexperienced players a home in null-sec, and he’s a fan of the epic fights. CSM will be full of people who think big pvp and balancing mechanics are the priority.
I’m a different perspective.
Everyone has a perspective, are you going to show just yours or will you present other players perspectives as well?
Yeah I’m going to give my perspectives to everything covered at Summit and during the year, I’ll also relay and filter other players perspectives as well.
I talk to all kinds of EVE players daily and always have. Anyone can reach me and I take all calls. that doesn’t mean I’ll be a direct conduit to CCP for players though. I’m not. “Community” rep in that traditional sense.
I have been inspired by Matterall to engage with the CSM election this year. I have read every pitch put forward by candidates and have faith in making Matterall my number one pick.
You seem like the right kind of candidate for this, I’ll always support neutral-ish candidates that are good at general eve community outreach.
It’s worth noting though that there might be a conflict of interest in the future for CCP, you’re already one of the biggest streamers if not the biggest. Often with CCP guests on your show, if you become a CSM member CCP might see going on your show as an unfair advantage to your campaign. Maybe not but worth considering. Also any speculation you make in the future will be put under a fine microscope, hope you’re willing to give up a lot of marketeering if you get elected.
Good points @Ficti0n
I’ll have to think about how inviting CCP on the TIS show is affected.
I am anti-spoiler
As for future speculation - that I can give up. I have already as I let other players speculate instead of myself. Unlike candidates of the past, I will keep a poker-face when people predict the future. I won’t say “getting warmer!” or “You will LOVE the changes” or “I know something you don’t know.” That’s just wrong to do. CSM should not spoil the game for others in any way. Spoilers are stealing, and even dropping hints or reacting to predictions is spoiling.
This guy knows Mittani pbuh - Keep up the good work Matterall
You have my vote. You inspire me weekly to continue my multi decade eve career.
That is amazing, and I’m happy to help @dragko. Tell me about your career man.
Hey I’ve heard good things about you from other players, I was wondering how you feel about faction warfare. There are candidates advocating for change there and I was wondering how big of a priority it was for you. If elected would you keep in touch with the faction warfare committee?
I haven’t been more excited to hear about a new CSM candidate more then Matteral since… well since Fuzzy Steve first ran.
Well, being I was born January 16, 2007, that would be a long and mostly boring story. I spent time in the early days on the border of Amamake running defense fleets (with a notable 13-year-old Alpha Star Pilot) against the pirates living there.
I ran anti-pirate hauling parties coming through Eifer pipe. Repeatedly saving millions (yes I said millions) of ISK.
I did a stint in some small gangs throughout New Eden then deciding I didn’t like working for anyone else I formed about 20 heartbeats and moved into W-Space.
I have been in Low-class holes ever since. Having inhabited three different ones and settling on a C4. We now live as quiet bitter vets in w-space, rarely operating in our retirement, just sticking together for the laughs.
Your show reminds me there is something out there, beyond the event horizon, that is bigger than us, and love to hear the excitement in the newer generations that our generation has had and lost and hopefully will have again.
Thank you for the inspiration to keep going.