Mechanic or gameplay that is considered unfair gaming

Where can I sign up so that CCP will pay me for my shitposting?

Bro I wish I knew. I tell you if I had 100 mil for every time I’ve been accused of being a CCP alt, I’d never have to do any ISK generating thing again.

I’m just a dude flying around in space doing what I want, when I wanna do it.


Discrimination against somebody s belief is not small words

No…say what you mean…

Wait… are we still just taking about Marshalls in the Abyss?

Someone can’t read the forum rules, This isn’t the place to discuss your beliefs :smiley: But you made the comment and I commented on the comment.

You are entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine and I can also comment on yours as you can on mine. Funny how only you want to oppress that tho.

I wonder why :smiley:

I just did bruv. Basic biology :smiley:

I wasn t talking about them…you need glasses to read

Already got them :smiley: Oof, that abelist comment tho amirite?

Funny how you went from wanting to sue daddy CCP to running to daddy CCP to solve your problems.

Interesting that huh?

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I didn t discriminate you in any way tho…

LOL scroll up. You did plenty already bruv. Face it. You got blapped by the Abyss, threw a tantrum all over the forums and acted a fool. Now you’re attempting to come back from that.

But there ain’t no coming back bruv. You’re gonna go down forever as the dude who threw a salt tantrum and threatened to sue CCP over a working as intended game mechanic.

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Very interesting

It is, isn’t it :smiley:

Don’t listen to Gix. We have all been there. Slightly embarrassing, but understandable.

ROFL I’ve never ever been there mate.

Never once wanted to sue a gaming company over an in game mechanic that’s working as intended LOL.

Well, we have all been frustrated by the game, right? No?

No, gix still is.

Nope. EVE is a pretty straight forward game. If you die, its your fault.

When I came back, I educated myself on the Abyss and fully knew that T6s were some of the hardest PvE content for most reward and that sometimes RNG wtfpwnt you and you lost. It took like a 2 min google search for that and then about 10-15 min search to browse fits.

LOL how so? I have fun everyday :smiley: I have been having extra fun recently thanks to the good Doctor as well.

It has been epic.

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I bet Gix likes spiders.

I actually indeed do not :smiley:

No…you are suffering, you got some serious issues…but its ok…its not like anybody is ever gonna get anywhere with you Billy no mates