[Medical]Deathglow Research Group--Updated with Findings

Not the only thing, but when it’s available, it’s generally a combination of safest, cheapest, and most reliable.

Dialysis of all blood in the patient, some transfusions, then a full bone marrow transplant will cure someone, but has high risks of complication.

Cloning will cure someone, but that’s too expensive to be widely done.

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I suppose it is possible that there is a non-zero chance of Insorum working. As the vast majority of incidents where Insorum was used took place on a massive scale, there’s not actually any good research or numbers on it. Anyone that was not cured by Insorum may (likely) have had their death attributed to other causes.

However, this is more or less true with all cures. Gods, if something has a 95% cure rate, I would call it a cure.

“Doctor, this patient is suffering from a staph infection.”
“Okay, let’s get them on some antibiotics. Maxacillin, 50mg.”
“But that only works in 95% of the time!”

Yeah, this has never happened.


Yes, as far as im aware Insorum is not possible to be extracted from Deathglow. But if you think you can, then take a large portion of precautions.

As mentioned by others there is most likely no connection between Insorum and Deathglow aside from the fact that both were used in the attack. My theory is that the insorum was used to suppress the effect of vitoxin in order to allow the slaves to revolt thus making the attack more effective. Quite ironic how a cure is used in this way. And quite sad.

Regardless of the link, it will still be worth looking into the Deathglow. As we have seen it can be quite effective at creating mayhem and I have reports of it being used on the streets as well for it’s strong hallucinogenic effect. This will also put lives at risk so we need to understand the drug to combat it better.

I intend to do a restructure within Devara Biotech to free up some of my researchers to study the Deathglow.


Okay, so here is what I am going to do. I am going to graciously accept Mizhara’s offer to work with her and her staff at the Mekhios station. I’m going to send mails to all others that wished to help with this research and treatment project, because it will be a research and treatment project. The ultimate goal is to ensure that anyone affected by these attacks will not suffer any long term side effect.

The station should be a central point for slaves smuggled out of Kahah. It is also open to Khanid civilians affected by the attack, since, hopefully, it will be the prime center for the counter-Deathglow efforts. We will not turn away those sick and in need.

Except for Khanid soldiers. While I don’t particularly like this, letting Imperial military personnel onto the station is a nonstarter. We will happily admit them if they resign from their position.

Anyone will be able to terminate treatment at anytime, even AMA. Once treatment is complete, or terminated, any patient will be taken to the place of their choosing: the Khanid Kingdom, the Empire, the Republic, the Federation, hell, even Sansha’s Nation so long as it is their choice.

Miss Del’Thul wishes to clarify “that anyone who afterwards wishes to go back to slavery will be required to undergo counseling and examination to be very damn sure this is a conscious educated choice, then examined AGAIN to be extra damn sure.” Frankly, I concur.

After I say this, the Amarr are going to gripe, bitch, moan, and complain. They’re going to act all insulted that we’re not following their laws and what not. Apparently Silent enim lēgēs inter arma only counts when it’s the laws you want to get rid of. And, pretty much all the Amarr will, in a tiff, refuse to help.

So, let’s just count those objections as read, okay? I don’t give a ■■■■. I’d rather hear bitching about my tail at this point.

Anyone that has good samples of Deathglow, or unexploded munitions from the attack can drop them off at the Sarum Family station in Sarum Prime. We’ll ensure they are safe and take it from there.

I thank you all in advance for your help.


I would love to work with you!

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Thank you, Ameriya. As some of you know, a good three thousand slaves from Kahah who where not quite ready to be ferried all the way to the Republic have now been left in her care, and I do honestly believe these people are in the very best of hands.

As for the Amarr, at this point I really don’t think we should care what they think. Once you start condoning massacres, does your opinion still count?


I will file this away under things that will never happen.


I can announce a few things related to Deathglow.

  • Deathglow is an organic acid.
  • Deathglow directly affects the brain.
  • Deathglow is secreted renally.
  • Sedatives in doses higher than norm are effective.

Testing is ongoing with artificial and animal subjects. Of the current number of about four thousand patients, seventeen have died so far, all of trauma and conditions not directly linked to Deathglow.

Right now, we’re trying to nail the exact structure of Deathglow, and looking into chirality.


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