[MERC} Spree Mercenary Group [SMG}

I must have struck a cord there. Thank you for coming out of the cornfield to have a chit-chat with me :joy:

My break from eve is going well. Life is good, I just finished closing a 220k deal while trolling you.

Dang it Bubba! you are running out of inside information you can use. How does it feel to be a worthless eve skunk? Correction : I am not that person. It was Hesh.

I never did. Actually the joke came from you on TS. Speaks volumes about the quality of your character.

A drunk Khrom who wakes up the next day and apologizes for being an asshole I can forgive. A snitch like you is simply disgusting.

P.S : I am afraid to undock it because of you. I know you turn your locator agents red looking for me. Sharing that info would make a loot piñata, but back when I was not afraid of you, I had lots of kills in my 35 bil Vindi. Pity you famous hunters are scared shitless to fly bling.