[MERC} Spree Mercenary Group [SMG}

Offering Merc services, please read

Mercs at your service

o7 everyone

Still offering merc services, please read

Up again

MY experiance with Spree has been failed blackmail,over priced jobs and when they can’t get a job done they whine about it on reddit to try and get someone else to do it for them.

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Your obviously an alt as your in an NPC corp but i’ll bite a little.

Your welcome to provide any pricing we give to you publicly and also welcome to provide the reddit posts we have whined in. We don’t hide our prices and have openly share it with several other merc groups.

I will however admit and make it clear, we have failed one contract and the client was returned all of their isk with our apologies. This was due to many members dealing with their real lives, we have no interest in scamming or lying about our capabilities.

We have also informed several would be clients that what they wanted done is not financially worth it e.g. people wanting 1 poco or 1 structure gone.

At this point i can only assume we have harmed you in some way. For us it is only business and is never personal. I truly wish the best to all pilots in eve.


Up we go

Bring back Scandor - “My Son!!! don’t shoot my son!!!” :joy:

Scandor wasn’t ever a part of spree.

Bring him back anyway :rofl:

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Please read, offering merc services, welcome.

One does not simply bump

Up up we go now again

If the client wants something done at any cost, i’m sure your willing to do it :).

up up up

Offering merc services o7

And all up again

all up to the top

up again yipyip