Message to all CSM candidates from japan 2024version :)))))

Hey everyone!

I’m Muraku Butler. I am a member of the CSM Japanese translation project.

All CSM-related texts are in English, which is difficult to enjoy in non-English speaking countries like Japan, so together with volunteers we launched a project to make CSM enjoyable in Japan. This will be the 3 time this year.

First of all, thank you to all the CSM candidates, For your hard work.We read all candidate posts and translated.This year, unlike last year, we translated almost all of the submissions.

We translators are from non-English speaking countries, and some of our volunteers are not veterans, so we received a variety of opinions. Once again, we decided to post a message here to the next CSM candidates.

1. When mentioning past specifications or updates, please add as much information as possible, such as patch notes or links to pages that explain the specifications.

Whenever possible, read to understand such thoughts and think about sentences, such as
“Why do you have that opinion?”

But unfortunately, many CSM posts are based on the assumptions of veteran experience. This doesn’t make sense for people who started in the last few years.

Therefore, in order to understand and broaden the candidate’s thoughts, it is best to supplement with something that helps newcomers and beginners understand the era.

2. Please do not use slang, proverbs, personal memes, foul language, abuse in your texts.

This is simple. It doesn’t make sense to non-English speakers, people from different communities, or people with different languages.And Fword and ■■■■ talks don’t like many people.

In addition to this, native-sounding sentences were strong this year. Be conscious of the English structure you speak like in movies and dramas. Put it into sentences. Ideally, it should be like Sesame Street or Disney English.

3. When using technical terms or abbreviations, please do not abbreviate them the first time, but add something like “Hereafter, XXX will be abbreviated as XX” (e.g., Fleet commander will be abbreviated as “FC”).

I believe that not only CSM candidates but also many EVE players and veterans can understand the EVE abbreviation. However, there are still cases where Newbie and casual players do not understand.

If you are truly Newbie friendly, these considerations will be greatly appreciated (as far as we know, these considerations are viewed favorably by newbie).

4. As a translator, it can be very difficult to edit an article after it has been posted, and when the content changes or is added significantly.

If you really want to add or change something, please add it to the list of things you want to do, pledges, etc. from the bottom, instead of changing the sentences in the middle. Also, if you add notes such as Note: and Edit:, there is a high possibility that it will be handled.

5. Don’t put multiple topics in one sentence.

Some people try to mention multiple things at the same time in parallel. This makes translation difficult. Please clarify the subject.and keep one sentense, one topic,

6. If you want votes from people outside your own organization who are not English-speaking countries, be conscious of your sentence structure.

Many non-English speaking people avoid reading long texts. Also, if you can’t read the text straight, you won’t be able to understand its meaning. Also, when non-English speaking people write in English, please express your opinions Honestly.

There’s nothing wrong with simply presenting sentences. If you write simply, what you want to convey will be clearly conveyed.

At least half of what the candidate wants to convey is conveyed.

The candidate’s enthusiasm is conveyed through long sentences. Your EVEStories are a lot of fun. However, many people found it difficult to read the text before translating it, as there were a lot of phrases, slang, and Memes.

If future CSM candidates want to appeal the importance to many players, please revise the text a little :slight_smile:

By not using one meme or slang, we can free up time to eliminate one anomaly.

Note: We are trying to understand the voices and thoughts of as many CSM as possible and provide explanations to the Japanese community.
If interested in our activities, please contact me to Discord:murakubutler



Excellent advice, thank you.


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