Millennium falcon?

You know those pistol-shaped ships? Specifically the one where Luke gets his hand fixed at the end of Empire? I’m pretty sure that one was classed a frigate. (The last time I cared about Star Wars was in 1997, so there’s a good chance I’m remembering stuff wrong.) The 1-pilot ships in SW would be more closely related to drones and fighters in EVE. So, partway between a drone and a frigate? Corvette. Which is what the MF was classed as in-universe anyway. Actual cargo haulers in SW included those clam-like ships at the beginning of Empire, though even those wouldn’t have been big bulk haulers.

That kind of comparison probably isn’t what OP was looking for though. If you’re looking for an equivalent of the spirit of the MF, a covops is probably closest. It has a focus on evasion. It has the kind of cargo hold that would move high value-density items like plex and implants. It has a capacity for adventure few other classes can match.

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the millennium falcon was almost exactly the size of a dragonfly

Funny thing about the milinium falcon. It’s a freighter.
If Han solo played eve he’d probably be on the forum asking why all the tie fighters keep bumping him so he can’t warp…


love this chart… Ship Sizes

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Fast rugged ship…Vagabond

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