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Youā€™re doing it wrong if you think EvE canā€™t be fun all the time. No video game should be considered work, and if thatā€™s your main drive as a CEO then youā€™re doing it wrong.
Eve has survived these years and changes because of a community. If you fail to build a connected community, your corporation will die, like so many others.

At no point did I suggest that work was my main drive as a CEO. I appreciate your perspective, but ā€œyour doing it wrongā€ isnā€™t the way to get your ideas heard.

My main drive as a CEO is being tangibly supportive of my members. It is something I enjoy and believe in. And yes, there is work involved. Imagining that there will never be work when creating something is a rather immature and idealistic perspective. Granted, I do most of the ā€œworkā€ here.

Your comment suggests otherwise.

Youā€™re doing it wrong when your recruitment thread has comments like,

The CEO position may be a situation that simply isnā€™t for you.

At what point does it become a good idea to tell people to go play another game if they arenā€™t having fun while playing your idea of this game?

Your members would be the ones doing all the work. Without them, your corp would not exist outside of your alts. You need to recognize that and try not to trivialize the importance of your members.

There is the problem with your perspective. Creation should be fun. Maintaining should be fun. Administrative process should be done in a way that would be fun. Why would you even bother with any of this if you donā€™t find it fun or entertaining.
These statements make it seem like you are a bit of a control freak and expect people that are playing a game to work for you. Unless youā€™re paying their subscriptions, that is an unrealistic and immature perspective.

I donā€™t agree with your perspective on my comments. I also donā€™t understand why you feel the need to hijack my thread. Your not offering advice. Your not saying anything useful. Your just trolling my thread for no reason. I thank you to move along.

Iā€™m offering you sound, constructive advice.
Iā€™ve run a few corps myself, and Iā€™ve been in a few that operate like your comments suggest you do. They never last. If you want to last, you need to change your perspective. Work on a solid community instead of funding your builds.

I have a hard time imagining you have built much of anything when you show so little respect to others with your communication style. And again, you have offered commentary and opinions. No actual advice. And again you are hijacking my thread. If you had any purpose other than stroking your own tremendous ego you would have picked another channel and tone for your message. As much as you speak about leadership you display none of the associated characteristics.

How would you like respect to be displayed, my lord?
My advice, though not clearly tagged as advice, is to tone down the attitude. Telling people to go play another game, or to leave EvE if they donā€™t appreciate your ā€œEvE is work, not funā€ concept is what slows your corp growth.
Further advice is to not attempt to claim all the accolades relating to any actual work done for your corp continuity and growth. Your corp exists because members are willing to contribute. When you trivialize said contribution by claiming you do ā€œmostā€ of the work negates nearly anything your members have put in.
As far as your comment about work ethic relating to EvE, real life comes first. Expecting anything else will doom your goals to failure. You have a highsec corp. People remain in highsec because they donā€™t need or otherwise want the strict guidelines null corps/alliances display.
My next piece of advice is to not be so hostile towards people commenting on your post. You display exactly how undesirable it would be to play under your leadership style. The attitude would suggest that you do not take failure or setbacks very well.
First and foremost, EvE is a video game that survives because of the spectacular community. Remember that going forward.

Closed by polite request of OP.