Just to reiterate, step by step. Please check:
Char 1 has the skills to fly an Orca and has some level of Mining Booster skills. You did not extract them. This char can equip, online and activate a boost module.
Char 2 has the skills to fly any mining ship and can use the modules equipped to it.
Both chars undock.
Either of them invites the other into a common fleet. The respective other accepts. They are both in the same fleet and see each other “pink”.
You warp both of them to the same Asteroid belt, in close vicinity to each other. How close, depends on your Command skills on Char 1. For test purposes try different ranges, between your regular boost range and for debugging try <5 km as well.
You wait a few seconds after both have landed. You focus on Char 1 (the booster), activate the boosts and see a message like “Your xyz boost has been applied to 1 fleet member”. Now you look at Char 2. You can see the boost indicator above the shield status.
You start mining with boosts.
Char 2 has a full ore hold and you warp off to unload in a station. You dock. Unload. Undock. Re-warp to Char 1.
In the meantime Char 1 continued to mine with his Orca drones. For this he needs no mining boosts, but a) he left them on or b) he de-activated them after Char 2 warped to station. Try both versions please and note if there is any difference.
Re-check if both are still in the same fleet. Do they see each other as “pink”? Are they indeed on the same grid, meaning: do you see the respective other char on screen after the re-warp? Are they close enough to each other - try as mentioned above: assuming a range bug, be very close or try the usual boost range.
Wait 10-15 seconds after Char 2 has landed back on the same grid. If under 9. you have chosen a) to conitnue boosting, start mining with Char 2. The boost should apply the next boosting round. If you have chosen b) repeat the steps under 6. Either way, check on Char 1 if the message “Your xyz boost has been applied to 1 fleet member” does show up on the start of the next boost cycle.
Check if on both chars you have the boost indicator. Char 1 has it? Char 2 has it? Char 1 (the booster) is not anywhere near running out of booster charges and is comfortably boosting. They are still in the same fleet, not too far away, on the same grid, e.g. they see each other in space.
The expectation would be that the boosts of Char 1 apply to Char 2, just as they did when they warped to the belt together as you’ve described.
You’ve said you are seeing the boost indicator, but boosts are not applying. Go into the fitting window while this is happening (in space, while mining and being boosted) of Char 2. Click “info” on the mining module and look for green color-marked values such as range of the module. Are they showing the values you would expect from the boosts? Make a note of it. Both for range and for duration of course.
If you check all of this and after the correct re-warp Char 1 boosts do not apply to Char 2, you have to talk to CCP about it.
Either, it is a problem with the grid. Fleet boosts now only apply for pilots on the same grid and limited by boosting skills in range. As soon as you see the boost indicator above Char 2 shield status indicator (as you said), this should actually not be the issue. As mentioned under 14) check also if the mining modules indicate the correct (boosted) range and duration.
If all of this is correct, what exactly is the mistake? Is your mining range limited to un-boosted range despite showing the correct range? Is your mining cycle as long as the unboosted cycle time?
Did you re-load the mining boost mods while Char 2 warped off and accidentally loaded range-boosts into both boost mods, instead of one range and one duration? You can check this by using mouseover on the boost icon on Char 2 or by using right-click on the booster mod icons on Char 1.
If everything shows correctly, the correct boost scripts are loaded, you are on grid, in the same fleet, the icon shows, the message “… has been applied…” shows, the info-window for mining mods show the correct values and still you are not getting the result:
Can you post the fit of Char 2 (the miner)? Does he use any non-standard mining upgrade module?
Does other mining boosts apply, e.g. does a range boost apply in the exact same situation? Is it only the duration boost that does not work?
Did you change “positions” in the fleet window at some point? Did you online/offline any modules on either of the Chars at any point during the test?
Are you doing anything else that I can’t think of right now? Are you eating any Agency Boosters or something like that?