Once gankers realize they have 180s de-activation + ~30s alignment in which to destroy an Orca the gank math changes considerably. (Not even taking the core re-sale value into the equation)
I know, “watch local” When would any actual high-yield mining get done if you’re constantly turning the core on and off? (remember 3min on - 3 minutes off)
Mining isn’t simply rounding the horseshoe any longer. Going roid to roid is too time consuming in an Orca in these expanded fields. Even if you have the range of drones supplemented, you can’t get the high yield until you are within a decent range to retrieve your drones quickly and take the 180s to get the core activated, by which time a good chunk of the rock has been turned to residue. (Value of Mining Drone I’s is going to go up)
I had thought that carefully bookmarking rocks in fields would mitigate that problem but with the new mechanics of the fields respawn trigger it’s not. There’s a big chance the field will be void of high value rocks for weeks.
“Each asteroid belt contains a finite number of asteroids (which disappear once fully mined), but the asteroids respawn after downtime if there are no asteroids left. – Asteroids and ore - EVE University Wiki”
No longer can you expect to get targeted roids every day unless you become an Asteroid Field Gardener and blow away the entire field the day before. (Hence type C crystals) This activity would be beyond a solo miners ability to accomplish this on a daily basis.
Attention to ‘residue’ and modifying drones and crystals based on the value of the rock you’re mining will become an important factor. You aren’t going to want 40% residue via an augmented mining drone on a Rich Plasioclase rock when there may not be another one for days/weeks.
Furthermore, with the industrial release there’s already been a 30% reduction in the isk value of Titanium. Now with prosperity there is going to be more ore than industrialists need to build. So I predict another 10-20% drop in the value of Ore in the next 6 - 9 months as miners try to cash in on this new ‘Prosperity’.
No matter what, killing what ever time it now takes to fill an Orca (use to be 4 hours) the actual isk return is going to be down in the not to distant future and will be further challenged by being 2b worth of gankbait.
What CCP has done, which is what I believe the intent was, is effectively make asteroid field mining a corp activity. The gardening of a field combined with the yet to come compression for the Orca are the only real path to achieve an effective mining efficiency.
As a solo industrialist the equation I have to figure out now is if a Hulk can pull enough Ore efficiently - daily, to maintain my builds. It is no longer a revenue stream.