Mining Mercoxit

You don’t need to mine it yourself. To the market you go, that is how the serious industrialists do.

Yes, it is expensive, but for everyone.

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So this is an extremely complex task that goes far beyond steps to mine mercoxit. So rather then just give you the here go train this skill answer I’m going to expound upon what you really need to be thinking about in regards to this.

  1. What’s your goal in mining mercoxit?
  2. Do you have the relevant skills to mine mercoxit and make it worth it?
  3. Are you willing to join groups to gain access to mercoxit?
  4. Are you willing to do things besides mine mercoxit to be in a group?
  5. If no to things above…do you really want to mine mercoxit?

So now that you’ve reflected supposing you do still wish to mine mercoxit in such a way that it is a profitable and worth while venture for you, my suggestions are as follows.

  • Join a group that focuses on mining and industry if that’s what you like to do
  • Make sure that group in some way has access to null security space, this could be through rental, an alliance, corp with friendly standings to an alliance etc.
  • Join that corp in their space and reap the benefits of mining your lovely little red rocks.

Caveat…doing the above will also probably carry with it requirements to pvp at times, there could be mining taxes etc. But overall playing with a group that owns space or rents space that has these rocks is going to be 100% long term enjoyable for you then trying to ninja mine the rocks in a venture constantly on the run from locals who will absolutely defend this rocks.

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Hey OP, you never have to do something just because its profitable.

Just jump in and consider it a challenge to mine it without thought to profit or realistic chances of success.

THATS the EvE Ethos.


Altho, profit is a good reason to do something nonetheless. You just need to afford the risk.

Its a nice bonus, but Ive learned that anything in EvE thats designed to be profitable over a certain line is also designed to be a tedious waste of time in all other measures.


Exactly the risk I was referring to. And sadly a trap that people fall into often.



OP, mining Mercoxit alone in a Prospect is one of a handful activities I do for fun – I earn my ISKies elsewhere. It requires both some game mechanic knowledge and familiarity of local pilots. For example, it’s totally feasible to avoid Mercoxit gas clouds, which makes the “% chance reduction” skills somewhat less valuable. Plus, as @Legacy alluded to with their list, it’s good to understand why you’re wanting to mine Mercoxit and what your ultimate goal is in doing so. As that will influence how you approach the task of “mining Mercoxit”.

If you want concrete advice, feel free to EvE mail me in game.

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It’s 1,000,000 for 10 morphite.

My objective is to lower my industry costs.

It is simple…

I want to mine Mercoxit, for industry.

To take part of the EvE game. A role. Mining Mercoxit is such a role.

Those exotic people don’t see anything but a price tag. Sad state of existence.

I’m crying over my industry today.

Base chance for modules is 34%, i have the specific skills at 4 and the faction skill at 3.

(skills involved)

I still failed 7/8 invention.

These dices are fixed.

8 rolls is not enough of a sample size to mathematically conclude that.

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It is not a sample size. It is a boolean false.

Computer programming. As in not mathematics.

Which… Is exactly what i meant “dices are fixed”.

This is where I say “What?”

And you say “Hah you are too stupid to understand” and dont explain anything about how its not probablility even though you stated it as if it was probablity, right?

I have nothing nice to say to you, sir.

Clearly not.

Not sure what you think the outcome of saying any of this is but vOv

Mining it yourself don’t lower your cost. That just change the ratio of how much of this cost comes from your wallet an how much comes from your time.



I mean the point is to play the game, right?

What’s wrong with mining Mercoxit to use it?

Ok…you are free to atribute a value as low as you want to your time and make your experience of the game as miserable as you can.

Matter of fact is that the market exist so you can buy things that are hard and annoying to produce yourself while focusing on something you enjoy and you are productive.

You asked how other people mine mercoxit. More often then not they join a group that can secure access to space with mercoxit in it, provide security, support and a market for those minerals, at this point is just a matter of flying to the rock and activating the modules.
Things are a lot more difficult to you and that is expected since you choose to do it the hard way.

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There is nothing wrong. It only is more difficult than it need to be. Suit yourself.

That the point…

People do the tutorial, start doing missions, get bored and quit. Because it’s simple and easy.
People can mine for a while then drop because it’s not interesting.

I call this leveling up.

I can level up from mining Veldspar in High sec belts into mining gas in a WH.
I can level up from mining kernite in WH to sell, into using the ore in industry.
I can level up industry by building the components and developing a PI network.

The thing i’m looking into is the bottleneck of my production. Another level up.

Risk vs reward, no?

Yes, but no.
The problem is that (in regards to the mercoxit mining) you are the one taking most of the risk while your competitors are taking most of the rewards. I mean a problem because your stated objective of reducing cost, they just need to endure the boredom while you need to deal with all those other aspect. But if is the challenge that you want then go for it.

Don’t get me wrong. By no mean I arguing that you should go for a maximized ISK/hour in despite of anything else. I’m just pointing that your approach will bring some disadvantages that you need to deal with, and you need to be comfortable with your choices to enjoy the game.