Mining Squadrons For Orca

I agree with this, I need the stuff but despise the clickety clicks, so I generally just do PI if I need it for builds, but otherwise it is tedious and nearly impossible to stay awake while doing.

I have already quoted it in one of the replies to you . The two of us have nothing more to talk about .

And more then I stretch my Johnson before getting out and in bed, still mining as is stinks.

I see all kinds of negative impact.

Your suggestions for the Orca are the opposite of what should happen.

We need more risk, less afk gameplay and better pay for active players. What youā€™re suggesting leads to less risk, more afk mining and due to how the economy works with masses of afk miners rejoicing, less pay for the active miners.

We donā€™t need a Rorqual for high sec, instead the actual Rorqual should find a better place as a capital mining boosting platform rather than a solo mining ship.
And the Orca needs such changes too: not a solo afk mining ship but a mining booster to significantly help mining fleets.

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Another one that canā€™t read. Here iā€™ll be the one to help you:

I can read, but have no idea what you mean with that quote.

Do you mean that CCP needs to choose between the direction of mining boosters and solo mining platforms for the Rorqual and Orca? Then I agree they need to choose.
And there is only one sensible choice, as we already have barges, exhumers and expedition frigates filling the role of solo mining ships: mining boosters should be mining boosters. Not solo afk miners.

Your opening post seems to suggest the wrong direction.

You have got this right , we can roll back to what Orca used to be , mostly focused on boosting or go forward with what it is in itā€™s current state and improve it , and by improvement I suggested Mining Squadrons for it.

You call it ā€˜moving forwardā€™, I call it a terrible idea.

If you donā€™t want to discuss it i canā€™t force you. But if you try to put words in my mouth and then wonā€™t allow me to clarify things for you it just makes you look dishonest.

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If you want to improve your Orca, buy Harvesters and then let me know where youā€™re at so I can steal them. Thank you.

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The troll is back again.

Just had to comment on this when I saw it. That would be no where near as bad as you think. I can actually make more minerals per hour on my mission runner then I can in my mining barge. The balance is a bit off, I get too much of one, and not enough of the others. But if all miners spent there time playing instead doing missions and collecting all the loot, it could still work out. It would probably change the balance of things, but it would work out I think (except for the need for Morphite).

OP probably means well, but didnā€™t think this through at all.

He thinks ganking Orcas is a piece of cake, done by literally anyone.
He is unaware of what it takes to gank a properly tanked Orca.
He does not consider the economic implications of such a change.
He does not consider that the Orcas as an AFK mining ship is super-OP already.

Iā€™m glad CCP is going to put the Orca back into the role of a sole boosting ship,
because thatā€™s what it should be. Not an easy-mode-afk-brick-tanked mining ship.




Just a matter of numbers dude . Say you have a maxed tank Orca (thatā€™s what ? around 0.5 mil EHP) in a 0.5 system with Concord prespawned , 30 t2 fitted catalysts will do the job . But i am going to be realistic here as most likely not everyone will have max skills , so say 35 (this with the current 770 OH DPS a t2 catalyst can do).
So itā€™s not hard to do , itā€™s just a matter of actually getting those numbers of pilots.

There are also economical opportunities here

I did not ask that those Mining Squadrons to have better yield , just replace the mining drones and be a bit more automated and cool to play with .

The above is already done , by parking your Orca in a belt and going AFK .
I just asked for it to have different tools with same net results as the current ones, the implications here are more of a psychological nature . Like closure for the those golden age of Rorquals , for said Rorqual pilots .

And like i already said , if they make it again just a boosting ship i will be happy with it , cause tbh with i do not think that they had a clear vision of what the Orca should be.
My fear is that they will fail this time too.

Maybe i have created a bit of confusion here as i have been a bit sarcastic about it, in the original post i mean.

I wrote a reply, but I considered that itā€™s not worth it,
as you donā€™t understand much of what youā€™re talking about.

Like your theoretical 30 catalysts ā€¦
ā€¦ which apparently everyone can fly easily by multiboxing ā€¦
ā€¦ or how everyone probably has 30 friends to do it.

And thatā€™s really just one part.

Too much theory ā€¦
ā€¦ and far too little practise.

As I respect your fantasy world though ā€¦
ā€¦ Iā€™m not going to any longer disturb you dwelling in it with others.

Have fun! o/

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Check Safety. killboard

You presume that all Orcas are also max. tanked , letā€™s be honest , check the losses of Orcas , you will be surprised of the fits you see , some just go for max yield rigs and not even a damage control fitted.

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Please, no.

Making the orca a mining ship was always a mistake.

The basic balance mechanism with mining, having to clear the mined ore from the hold regularly, was broken when they allowed Orca to mine directly to itā€™s huge ore hold.

Without that you have afk mining.

As someone that mined in both highsec and lowsec for the last 3 years, I can 100% get behind the word No.
First off, orca is just fine how it is. There is absolutely no reason to automate the process. It takes away potential content, and increases yield with no risk. That is the exact opposite of what ccp wants.
The rorqual is not just for ā€œwhalesā€. Any miner worth his salt can afford one in a month or two, which is faster than it takes to fully skill into it. As is, rorqual is pretty useless since they nerfed the size of rocks. Cycling is high risk for little reward. Excavs chew through any rock in nullsec in just a couple of cycles.
Youā€™re better off using a rorq without the core. Consider it a jump capable orca with a panic button.

There is no such thing as afk mining. Mining drones donā€™t keep mining new rocks when the old one is consumed.
At best, you have semi-afk. If youā€™re truly afk, youā€™re not mining very long.