a few days ago the server crashed due to a database error… the ship i was in i can’t seem to board it, or even see it in my ship hanger. when i look in personal assets it’s there however.
i’ve looked in
- Item hanger
- Delivery hanger,
- under the office furniture
- in the fridge next to the beer, and cupboard next to the whiskey.
i thought about contracting it to another toon, but theres no option to contact it in the personal assets.
i’ve tried direct contracting it via the create contract interface, says theres something in the station, but no items found
i’ve put in a ticket already but thought i’d try here to see if anyone has anything i’ve not tried that i could try out.
theres also no loss mail, etc, i had been docking up in a Friendly Athanor when the server crashed.