The Fan Club Reality Show Feeds are having a field day.
There’s probably already a See and Hear crew outside the Radiant.
I’ll take this as an invitation.
Not really. I’m not the first to call you sneaky. Or duplicitous.
You did indeed, but between then and now, we’ve spent quite a few words on why my compliments were seemingly inappropriate.
That’s not one of my favorite kinks, but I wouldn’t say no to it.
If you find the porn, please link me.
Wow, I would watch this. 50M ISK on Miz.
Corovid Industries is proud to announce that we have opened sales for tickets to a mud-wrestling match, Dr. Mizhir Devara versus Melisma Ramijozana. Tickets 10,000 isk in advance, 20,000 at the door, with a 75% discount for anyone who walks in wearing a #TeamMel t-shirt.
I’m three days out of capsuleer school and what is this
Women being bored.
Shh, I’m working my magic.
Welcome to space.
Yes, it’s pretty much always crazy.
Thank you.
I’m exaggerating for comic effect, of course. But not needing to strain much to do so.
From what I understand, biscuit comes from the early Gallente bi cuit meaning to cook twice. I think it apt for a thread about double dipping?
I’ll take two. Do you offer any VIP packages? It’ll go on the corporate account.
Depending on one’s world view, I think this is one of those, “We all win,” or, “We all lose,” sorts of things.
I’m honestly just taking this as morning entertainment with my coffee and financials.
So you’re saying this is a tag team match now?
But in all seriousness, the things you people get up to beggar the imagination. Like that, now.
I’ll take two. Do you offer any VIP packages? It’ll go on the corporate account.
Certainly. VIP gets you your choice of either front-row seats or the lounge, free drinks, and a tank top that says “I Watched Mel and Miz Throw Down.”
Excellent! Expect payment tonight, we’ll take front row
O God, may your Judgement upon the Empyrean class come swift and strong; leave not one of us alive, no not one.
Edit: Shoot, he beat me by a hair!
I think more popcorn may be required.