Mobile Sentry Tracker Gun

now we are getting dangerously into the AKF CLOAKING thread. Not only does Nul have the tell all warning system of Local Intel, you want to add a system wide cloak disruptor? Where is the module to help active cloakers catch ratters… maybe a system wide 5to10% chance of kicking people out of stations after they have instantly docked up due to an unknown appearing on local.

Do you remember the bug that allow a group of fleet to fake a shoot toward
a cloaked ship so they know it is location to uncloak him ??

I am afraid of this issue to come back.

But i remember a suggestion i requested my self to force the cloaked to use some
ozone like 10 per cycle.

but that require to make it cycling and to make it to consume the
(ozone - strontium - or even the jump fuel stuff).

Thanks Jint for your comments…

The MSTG is going to effect nearly everyone, that’s just the way it is. Unless we go with small, medium, and large size MSTG, which I would recommend. (they track diff size ships) The ship most immune to the MSTG is actually a Combat recon ship, since they can just rip off device and have no real setback.

Also, there may be a few instances where the MSTG does make it harder to hunt ‘prey’ but it’s a in a reasonable way. I mean, hunting prey with a enemy MSTG in system should be harder. Just like trying to hunt someone in a system filled with enemies, hostile gate camps and/or mobile warp disruption is generally speaking, gonna be more difficult…It can still be done. You may have just hack the tracker or forgo cloaking. It’s tougher, but it’s within acceptable limits, I would say.

The MSTG on the whole will definitely create far more opportunities to hunt prey actually. Other than just the straight tracking part, it will also make it really easy to create bait ships for example if your facing an enemy MSTG. I would say, you can’t just look at from one angle, but multiple angles… If you care about the overall game-play that is.

Also, if it effects AFK cloakers, that is simply incidental, it’s not necessarily it’s primary use. The MSTG will do very little if anything about established afk cloakers, however, it can be used to help prevent them from taking hold and that’s not nothing. If you know a system currently has no afk cloakers, you can set up an MSTG at the gates and take some measures to keep it that way. It’s not much and might not even work at all times but it is something. Because as things stand now, not only can you do much to stop current AFK cloakers, but your limited even in preventing them from taking hold. Its true, you can have gate camps, but that requires constant vigilance, which I think is unreasonable and not sustainable. Clearly, a lot of people have issues with the AFK cloakers, and I wouldn’t just ignore them all, I think there is some legitimate complaint there.

Also, I don’t endorse the PDU idea i mentioned earlier. Some people have a real issue with AFK cloakers, and I was just responding to that. I think it’s a decent compromise. IF you absolutely have to do something about that specific problem, than i think a deployable would be the way to go, but actually, I have no inherent problem with afk cloakers. It’s just an idea, if you want to dismiss it, so be it.

I also want to add the MSTG is just meant to be one tool among many, by itself, it may prove to be quite useless actually. It’s not an end in of itself. Giving players different tools and see what they do with it, is the way to create to dynamic player interactions…imo.

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