Ive been searching on google but… Cant find a thing.
Say I have an item for 1k. Doesnt sell, I drop the price to 500. I pay the relist fee, item is re-listed at 500. Where does the other 500 go?
Looking at my wallet all I see is the relist fee.
What change? When you sell, you get money while the transaction is finished.
You just don’t receive the other 500 because nobody was eager to pay that price.
Unfortunately the initial listing fees are gone though.
You lowered the price from 1k to 500? The 1k never existed until you sold the actual item. So the 500 doesnt exist either
You made an offer for someone to buy the widget for 1k, fees were 10 isk. No one buys the widget, your balance for the transaction so far is -10 isk.
You change the price to 500, fees are 5 isk. Your balance for the transaction is -15 isk until someone buys the widget.
No one buys the widget. You relist for 500 because you won’t go less, fees are 5 isk. This time someone buys it, you made 480 isk before taxes.
Eve markets don’t work like other games. Unless there is a buy order for a price you’re willing to sell the widget for, you won’t get instant gratification on the market. The economy here is entirely driven by players, and nearly everything bought and sold on the market is put there by players.
Ah of course. Was really tired while learning more about the market, got myself curiously confused with something else.
Thank you
My question ended up being quite rediculous, I got myself confused.
I am enjoying the extra layers Eve adds. Starting to figure it out and make a spreadsheet to help me figure out taxes etc before I move on something.
Welcome to Real EVE Online