Module balance

I find small capacitor batteries very hard to fit in most cases and if you look at medium batteries, those are not so hard to fit.
Would it break EVE if small batteries would use 2mw less powergrid each?

Medium batteries in comparison are easy to fit on a cruiser level:

If we take an average cruiser powergrid size of 1200mw and take a look at the powergrid requirement of medium batteries we find that

  • the tech 1 uses 75gj or 6.25% of the normalized 1200mw
  • the tech 1 compact uses 60gj or 5% of the normalized 1200mw
  • the tech 2 uses 90gj (worst case) or 7.5% of the normalized 1200mw

Which leaves plenty of fitting space. Now let’s take a look at the frigate level, which we can normalize at 60mw powergrid for arguments sake:

  • the tech 1 uses 8mw or 13% of the normalized 60mw
  • the tech 1 compact uses 6mw or 10% powergrid of the normalized 60mw
  • the tech 2 uses 10mw or 16.66% of the normalized 60mw

which leaves a lot less fitting room on a frigate level. Some frigate modules don’t even leave room for a nice meta mwd and you need to use meta compact a little too often here.

This should only be the case for specific fits which have a different focus.

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