Monthly Economic Report - April 2020

Oh, hello.

The Economic Report for April 2020 is now available! You can download all the relevant data here.



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I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about… :thinking:



As always, each image can be enlarged by clicking on it.

is there a way to modify current behavior? Because currently instead of enlarging it opens the image that is hosted elsewhere in the same tab and in order to get back you have to navigate to previous page BUT it resets the position. Very oldschool inconvenient.

either have a script to pop/enlarge image within same webpage (modal window/frame/whatever that goes back on second click) or open images in new tab.


If you click the image with the middle mouse button (the scroll wheel) it should open in a new tab. If it doesn’t check your browser settings there should be a option to change this.

i know but i always forget that eve site is THAT archaic. I’d have preferred discord-esque behavior.


It’s not even discord-esque behaviot. It has been standard behavior on any modern webseite to open pictures in a larger version as overlay and only if you want to see the huge version you have to middle-mouse click it. CCP doesn’t even have a normal, webseite-standard gallery and instead lists each picture individually. That’s 1990s website style. So, when someone suggests “just use the middle mouse button” it’s just reinforcing bad practices.

As for the MER itself: Interesting how destruction keeps going up and total mined and total NPC boungies are going down – despite immediate local. Turns out you don’t need blackout to achieve this. You just need comprehensive and somewhat thoughtthrough development approaches that turn actual issues off instead of just jerking memes into the game. Still, it is depressing to see just how low destruction is in the most active null sec areas.

That was just a quick example that many would (should) understand, but you are right.

Boy i would love to see amount of isk ratted in wh


I always wondered why nobody in CCP bothers with that data. Do they look at it but not publish? Seems like a huge void to me. I guess it just shows as trade in other regions since they are blue drops instead of bounty payouts, but still.

I never really notice the “total market trade value” chart. The Forge does more than 550 TRILLION in trade each month? Jeebus.

and i would love to see amount (mÂł, not value) of mined ore.



That pic is quite interesting. Market activity is going down significantly. The increase in broker fees, sales taxes and order update fees led to a short-lived sink increase that is now going down again and likely will go further down than the pre-change values. Goal accomplished in messing things up unnecessarily and in a harmful way.

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There used to be a chart showing bounties in HS vs LS vs NS and I think next to it was a commodities breakdown… all they gotta do is show how much is OPEs (from DED sites and some events), how much is blue loot (sleepers), and how much is red loot (trigs).

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There seems to be a large dip in transaction tax from Aug last year, the market changes we from Feb (I think) so the difference between feb and now isnt that great. I wonder what happened in Aug to initiate that drop? Was August the blackout too as Bounties fell through the floor

Well, for some reason they dont

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More spreadsheets… More!!!

Or players just slowly migrate from NPC stations to player-owned citadels to trade (and save money on fees). Also they are sinks - the lower they are on the graph the better it is. Because they are taxes, it means that there is more trade happening and its normal for some fluctuations to happen.

August 1st was increase of sales taxes (from 2 to 5%) and broker fees (from 3 to 5%):



It is actually the higher the better on that graph. The values increase down on the Y-axis, not up towards 0. Plus, even if they switch to structures it desn’t change the fact that less ISK leaves the economy.

That is a huge increase and is due to the increase in sales tax and broker fees to 5%.

Then you are reading (this)graph wrong. The report is for month of april and taxes and fees at the end of the month are at the same point they were at the start of the month, plus there was a large increase in trade mid-april. And almost every month has these fluctuations so its normal.