Monthly Economic Report - August 2019

No actually it was a bunch of null whiners claiming that Null without local is now like WH space. Its not, not even close. If they turned Null in to WH space the null whiners would have quit already.

Mark must be some ISD with complexes , otherwise ISD will remove his troll posts due to the forum rules.


Man I only found one of you in EVE, and that guy has been in an NPC corp for nearly 3 years. what are you soloing a CL 1. I get it this is your forum alt. makes sense I wouldnā€™t want anyone to know who I was if I were you either


Yes yes yes, If you cant use logic to beat someone intellectually, you use abuse. Nothing abnormal.

Shame these forums used to have some great minds and discussions. Now its like the majority that are left are null whiners and their self entitlement.

And as to the economic report, it still shows that each null system can support to many people. The gravy train needs to end.

Abuse lol just stated what I believe to be fact. the fact is your tune cant back up what you preach.

well I see eve is coming back on line so ill be getting back to my care bear gravy train life style.


Thatā€™s a personal attack and doesnā€™t address his argument in the least. Heā€™s essentially correct though, for most players (who donā€™t own structuresā€“their corps/alliances do) asset safety is a huge advantage of living anywhere in normal space based in a citidelā€” do nothing and at worst you loose 15% of your stuff. Hard to get safer than that.

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well what if some CCP cat comes along and decides there isnā€™t enough chaos in WH space, and decides to start changing stuff to match there version of risk vs reward and safety. if you guys donā€™t get over the BS of who lives in the tougher place, and look around to see that we are all on the boat.
Iā€™m not sure what was personal or and attack, I didnā€™t call anyone a whiner nor did I claim anyone was abusing anyone, I simple stated some facts and speculations.

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Yeah except the rewards in WH space are not that great and cannot support many people, so to equal the risk would be higher rewards.

well who is the judge of what is the correct ratio of risk vs reward. and what happens when your area is changed to someone else version of what is fair. because I can guarantee nobody is going to consult WHerā€™s about it before they change it. then you will have to sit here and listen to things like.

this type of behavior by CCP is not exclusive to anyone group. everyone at some point will be affected.

My corp lived in WHs exclusively building subsystems we made a killing, but as things go in New Eden T-3s got changed and no longer as profitable vs the risk

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And thereā€™s also the matter of k162s can spawn in your system at ANY TIME, so every new sig must be immediately checked out if anything is going on in space in your hole (or a static or wherever) that you donā€™t want to lose to a flock of sabres and t3cs.

And like Sgt Ocker vs. Mark Marconiā€™s experiences in WH showā€¦ a lot of it is location-location-location (logistics become harder the deeper you are, but you get less daytrippers from HS if youā€™re further from it, too), a lot of it is the quality and skills and perseverance of the group thatā€™s doing it, and a lot of it is also luck.

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Revelation Sarum Editionā€¦ whoa. TIL.

You know ā€œlocalā€ has nothing to do with safety in WH.

Iā€™m not sure you read my post correctly - I never said WH logistics was ā€œhardā€, what i said was;
Ok, most people donā€™t want to deal with shite logistics, the risk [even thought small] of losing everything to a much larger group, among other things.

  • Bolded the relevant bit for you.

No local in a WH is very different to the same thing in Nulsec - Why do idiots not see this.
Iā€™ll be so glad if CCP follow through and make closing WH entrances harder to do - See all these lete players who hide away in safe systems come out and say ā€œwhat a great changeā€ - People can actually come as screw with our very calculated risk play style.


They already did, ages ago
I do believe they utterly changed the K162 behavior as part of that so that they donā€™t spawn ahead of someone actually using it, or something along those lines.
They did a massive change to the hole rolling HICs already.

Like, you sitting here complaining about that sort of thing just makes you look ignorant, when you donā€™t get that CCP already messed with everyone elseā€™s areas and that Null despite being the problem was the last area to get touched.


Yes they did and it seems they are doing it again. As part of the ā€œEra of Chaosā€ wormholes are getting a bit of what they want - The chance for more PVP content.,.

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Do you have the link to this statement?

:neutral_face: Are you serious.

How about you just look up the Devblogs that have been discussed for the last few months?

seem like a one off not the norm. I always found WH relatively safe.

Iā€™m just now realizing that there are so few people playing that its even safer in null than it was before the blackout. lol thanks CCP

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I was just saying ā€œThis forum is much more fun than the game itself nowā€. So, why login? :slight_smile: