Monthly Economic Report - December 2020

It has not been nerfed in ways that make its abusability unfeasible. Reducing the yield only means that you bring more Rorquals, which is exactly what happened after every Rorqual nerf. One could even say, CCP nerfed the Rorqual in ways to line their coffers instead of fixing the economy because they intentionally banked on people creating more Rorqual alts to compensate the yield nerfs with more skill injectors and plexed accounts.

It’s a sitting duck that can make your entire miner swarm invulnerable for a period of time to allow your super umbrella to respond, and it dishes out considerable DPS while being able to repair considerable DPS.

Thus, the Rorqual has not been nerfed in any way to make its abusability unfeasible. To fix the Rorqual, the activation of the Indu Core needs to be limited to one per 1000km around a resources containing object. In addition, every single feature it offers can only be used or be effective with the active Indu Core. No PANIC, no excavator yield, no tank, no compression without the Indu Core. As compensation, you could revert all the yield and some tank nerfs and give it even better mining boost levels. That would lead to Rorqual swarms to be effectively dead and you’d have to be very good at chain PANICking and people would have to use exhumers and barges again to mine, which are much more cumbersome to multibox and much more vulnerable to attacks or booshing.

It would lead to more of this: instead of having to bring dozens and dozens of chars to break a Rorq tank. It would also require more tactical decisions from the Rorqual pilots in case of attacks: Do you save your mining fleet with the PANIC and risk the dread drop killing you later, or do you let your mining fleet die and save the PANIC for the escalation?

Overall, abuse of the Rorqual culled, it would be returned to its original role as ultimate mining support instead of being the ultimate mining ship that obsoletes every other mining ship and its use would require actual tactical decisions and not the crap that CCP calls tactical decisions.

That point is completely irrelevant to the matter. The Rorqual is not the best ship for its activity, it is the only logical choice without any meaningful drawbacks. The price or the amount of skill training are not a drawback at all in an environment that can hand these ships out like candybars and give people Skill Injectors to get the alts up to speed.

Why? See, this is the problem with uninformed people like you who can only sperg nonsense just like CCP does. Hulks are much less convenient to use compared to Rorquals. Their ore holds are tiny and it needs to be emptied every 2 minutes into a hauler or Rorqual. Plus, they are incredibly fragile and therefore are very engageable. A swarm of them can surely be a menace with all the drones, more so a Swarm of Skiffs, but even they are much easier to attack than a swarm of Rorquals. Before you sperg this kind of nonsense, please at least try to inform yourself a bit to make yourself look less like a fool of the likes of CCP.


CCP created this problem themselves, Rorqual don’t need to be best mining ship by large margin. It needs to be (and it is) best mining support ship with some mining capabilities, Now CCP have to do weird stuff, like resource redistribution to undo havoc created by overbuffed rorquals.


Lol no a supercarrier is barely x2 bounties from a carrier.


Players did. CCP just blindly did things people asked for

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Nope. Players always asking some stupid things. It is job of CCP to filter out ■■■■■■■■.


I’m just saying what happened. If ccp would do own job. We wouldn’t be here now.


Only in huge blocks space like oasa … I did not see a rorq ( not even one) for months now. Just not worth put it to mine/buff, as the rock sizes are just ■■■■.

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mmmmhhh highsec incursions
such great risk / reward ballance in this game


Vanguards are like 50-60 million per hour per fleeet member - far from great ISK numbers.
HQ are 120-150 million ISK per hour per fleet member - better than Vanguards, but still far from L4 mission blitz or abyssals, while requiring great deal of player cooperation and bling fits to be effective.

Another thing about incursions - only one of this available in high-sec at any given time, and it cannot support more than three 40-man fleets running.


The MER quiz

Production is down because:
A. players cant afford to buy things
B. there isnt enough material to make things
C. there are fewer players that make things still playing
D. all of the above

Ratting income is down because:
A. incursions are insanely better than ratting
B. dbs / ESS made ratting undesirable
C. there are fewer players in game to rat anymore
D. all of the above

Destruction is up because:
A. there is a war going on that had nothing to do with CCP so called content producers
oh, thats it. nvm

bonus question
where is the ice?

i hope ccp has enough data now to analyze the health of the economy. if not , working on a corpse is easier than on a live patient.


I’ve done incursions, flying a 500m guardian making twice as much isk as a carrier does.
The only risk in that is someone doing something stupid.
Verry much like wormholes don’t get you killed unless you’re stupid.
Nullsec is the default place for hunting krabs, nullsec is what makes the news and breaks guiness world records.
A healthy risk / reward balance would be one where null players can afford to lose billion isk ratting ships once per week and still be left with more ISK then people who risk their ships only by incompetence, farming but not creating any content.

The MER shows incursions making as much money as all of bounty ratting combined. A more detailed break down including missions and wormhole loot would be nice but im willing to bet also even more insulting for the people who do take risks and provide content.

CCP should be ashamed of themselves.


You know there is 5 incursions: two in null, two in low and only one in high-sec, right?

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And when was the last time an incursion fleet got ganked?

It’s extremely save, it should make less money then solo ratting. Simple.

and given how few incursions there are, the number of players “enjoying” them is significantly fewer than ratters. but there seems to be a notion that all ratters must be bots and eliminated from the game. oddly, it only seems to be eliminating players and not botters

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Yeah the botters are oddly quiet on the forums


As has been said above, the destruction data from the large battles has not been included in the Regional data or the Killdump. The Killdump only has 7 Titans destroyed for the whole of December.

So this thread, to the point I read it anyway, has gotten me so side tracked that now I want to know what Star Citizen is…
Nice one you guys.
The timing is amazing too…

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I would like to see either less people online or better yet, far more systems. Exploration , and I don’t mean hunting relic sites and other signatures, but actually exploring starts to seem kind of silly when everywhere you go there are people or the stuff they leave in space.
A friend of mine in Signal Cartel has an idea about that actually and will, I think, be posting it fairly soon on here.
No idea if CCP would do that, but you never know.

Billions and billions of Ventures!

The data I had seen showed a spike in new players to SC and one of the spikes on the chart started at the same time as the Ore redistribution. I been looking for that video since yesterday. It was the CEO for SC or something like that given a in update on the last year in SC. Now I will say that, Those people could have come from anywhere. It does not mean they came from EVE but the timing of the ore change and SC new player influx made me wonder if there was a connection.