Monthly Economic Report - July 2024

Greetings Calculated capsuleers!

The Monthly Economic Report for July is ready for your review.

For those of you looking to get your hands on the raw data for your own use- you can find the downloadable data for last month’s report in the following LINK .

Edit 13 August at 1400 UTC:

We noticed that a few ores from the Equinox expansion were omitted. Rather than wait for August, the graphics have been updated in the main article to reflect this. In addition, a new download with the updated data has been made available here.

The old data will be still available on the previous URL if you want to compare it



As its been mentioned a couple of times:
Zarzakh isn’t currently included in any regions here. As it is a single system in a single constellation, comparing it in a region-to-region format provides incomparable results. We’ve had a few suggestions for potentially displaying this data (such as doing a comparison on trade hubs), but if you have any suggestions on how you’d like to see this data, we’re certainly open to suggestions!


I like some of the data again. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

As for Zarzakh: If its values are better than those of the worst performing regions, how would its data be incomparable? There are regions with 0 or near 0 trade activity in the tracker as well.


I don’t know what form this kind of thing might take, but I’d love to see some SKINR sales data at some point. What hulls sell the most? What time(s) see the greatest sales spike usually? Are there nano or pattern types that sell better than others? What type of sales window (one day, 3-day, weeklong, etc.) sees the greatest sale volume? Which part of the lifecycle of a SKINR listing sees the greatest sales spike usually?


mining fell off a cliff and the sov wasnt even force switched yet. I hope ccp gives miners a reason to play the game.

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Please use this information to view the effects of Equinox. The MPI was starting to drop until Equinox hit then it spiked to match when Scarcity arrived.

This is absolutely scarcity 2.0 and all we’re going to see is things get more expensive, Isk velocity slow (currency velocity should be high in a bustling and thriving economy) and less people put things of risk on field.

Tedium doesn’t equate meaningful loss or meaningful gameplay. Please continue to revisit equinox and give us the promise of a reinvigorated null sec for the people who live there.
This MER doesn’t show reinvigoration is the correct word for what this patch is going for.



Hi, Im once again here to humble ask that Zarzakh be included in future economic reports

… That aside. For actual feedback. You need not try and compare them with other mainstream systems and regions. That much is a losing battle. In my head I would sorta be asking that Zarzakh be given a unique section in the reports much like wormholes get.

And a fun to maybe present the info would maybe be pulling data from Guristas and Angel characters and see their involvement in the market. Which faction is buying the most, which one is producing the most goods in system. So on and so on. Maybe include data on collective neutrals that interact with the system.

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Like every month: Too much Ice from afk/bots in HighSec. Too few Ore/Ice mining in Lowsec. Solutions are easy:

  • no static icebelts any more, afk-massmultiboxers and bots shouldn’t rely on the fact that they can log in, undock 20 hulks and just erase a belt convenient in half an hour, putting all the money/resources into one guy’s pockets.

  • split the ice amount from the static belts into randomly spawning ice anomalies (directly warpable) of smaller size and scannable ice sigs of larger size with some higher quality ice. Give active and motivated mining corps an edge over semi-afk massmultiboxers and bots.

  • do the same for lowsec with the high-quality ice/ore belts, plus adding “abandoned ORE mining outpost” sigs with high quality Ice/Ore in a deadspace pocket that can’t be hotdropped. This would encourage people to do mining-expeditions that are worth the endeavour if you can survive. The need to scan them first and the need to take a gate before warping in would allow the miners to defend themselves with paying attention, leaving a scout or suicidetackler behind to evac their fleet on one hand, but also allow hunters to prepare ambushes by pre-scanning the sites so they can sneak in with a cloaked ship without probes being shown and/or using recons to keep the Dscan empty. Interesting interaction for both sites is possible.


There has been no interpretation of those statistics from devs, thus those data is completely pointless as we do not know how CCP has decided or is going to decide the plan of the balancing and updates.
But one thing I am sure is that ISK velocity explains everything.

Can anyone help me understand the underlying difference between these two indicators below?

Assuming we are talking about ISK and the first one, what is the meaning of, for example, a Region which has a positive number as ISK trade balance but a negative one as m3s?

Take the Devoid region for example (highlighted in green below): has it something to do with production? As in: smaller but high-ISK-value m3s entering regional market (minerals?) vs larger but low-ISK-value m3s leaving the regional market?


Something is weird with the active isk delta, there is more facet’s than sinks yet active isk delta is getting lower it should go up.

As for Zarzakh, I would make a chart for the top 10 trade hub’s (System only instead of region) I’m sure it will make top 10, showing value built and sold, I’m curious if something like stacmon would beat out Zarzakh, but I have seen prices start dropping in Zarzakh so I guess its growing in popularity and people are getting more competition.

I’m also pretty curious if there is any market activity in Thera/Poch and how they compare to Zar as well. A chart in the MER might actually encourage industrialists to move their operation if it looks good enough tbh.

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I agree, as someone who is a miner and has been for almost 20 years off and on and builds ships and does industry, they’ve broken the game. They’ve literally destroyed ship building, a key pillar to the existence of the game. I don’t see eve breaking anymore world records with the game as it is now, in 6 months you will see 1/4 of the ships on the market as you do now and they will be 10X the price. Who ever came up with the idea for all these extra components for even a battleship… I laugh in your face and call you a moron.


August numbers should be interesting…