Monthly Economic Report - June 2020

What i never understood is some peoples desire to turn eve into one big faction warfare zone with only frigsize all around.

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What is it you don’t understand? Perhaps I can answer your questions.


Frigates are fast. Frigates are cheap.

Mining is horrible.

Replacing anything bigger than a frigate requires a significant grind, in mining or something equivalent.

Ergo, frigates are the best thing in Eve.

Did that clarify things for you?


Not in any shape or form.
I understand why some people prefer flying frigsize and/or fly around in fw-space.
Question was: why do they want to turn entire game in fw/frig paradise?
We have lowsec and fw lowsec. But some people want to shoehorn their playstyle everywhere possible, like null.

Which people?

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Like those who actually about to introduce permanent ESS: bring fw beacons to null, why not.
I do understand that it will be somewhat other mechanic but the principle is still the same. Though CCP now forcing defending party to fight (Suitonia pointed it out).
Or Phantomite (new CSM member) who´s dream is smallscale fw and who goes full “grr null”.

I find this peculiar. If you don’t like it, why not change it? No one is forcing anyone to fly a ship. Additionally, even if the economy becomes more favorable for YOU—your economic problems are the same. Just a little less.

And you’re talking about solo pvp, no less. Look to solo pvpers and you’ll find that a lot of them fly cheap, take hard risks—and shred well above their weight classes. You don’t get there by uncloaking once a day in an overpriced cruiser.

Expensive ships are good to have as an option. I like killing them in cheaper ships. Sometimes that isn’t an option. In those cases I tend to just ignore them altogether, and they are 100% not relevant. They may as well be in a different universe, except when I choose to fight them.

I hope you figure it out. Seriously though: There are so many options and ways to play. If you don’t have a secondary account (covops/isk generation) maybe downship and try it? Can open up the game. (I don’t do that right now but I find it to be better value …)

I hope more people fly cheap stuff. Or at least smaller stuff. :^)

1 - If the economy is healthier it’s more favorable to everyone not just me. A stagnant economy is not healthy or favorable to anyone.

2 - Proof of solo pvps shredding above their weight class in sub 200 mil ships. I would gladly take a look. And this is now not 5 years ago. If you link a KM from 5 years ago it’s useless in todays meta.

4 - What expensive ships have you killed, is it on an alt? Show proof please. I would love to see.

Interesting game economy!
Why is there no player run insurance?

Just a guess, but it does include some of the more popular high sec blue ice mining belts. I no longer mine there as often as I used to do so, since even by ice mining standards, there are multi-boxed fleets of locusts.

The biggest carebear corp in the entire game is headquartered in Audaerne. I hear Chelien has a bunch of ice mining, along with the adjacent systems.

are we afraid the rich will become richer? or that the insurance companies will fail to maintain an adequate isk balance to offset catastrophe?

Also player run banks could increase isk velocity. Get money out there on to the streets with bonds and loans!

One thing about which I often wonder - how much bigger would be the ISK sink of planetary import and export if there were no player owned customs office in high sec? It is wholly counter-intuitive that empires would allow customs to be exercised by corporations in their most sovereign systems. In real life, letting entrepreneurs collect customs was one of the most pernicious habits of medieval kingdoms, and quickly ended when modern nation states started to emerge. Furthermore, even medieval kings usually alienated their customs in return for, say, major loans from money-lenders or to get a guaranteed minimum amount paid per annum by the entrepreneur.

Now, I assume the argument for allowing high sec POCOs was to trigger wars? If that is working, then maybe CCP are right not to worry about it not being a better sink. But CCP presumably ought to have an easy way of telling whether wars are being fought over high sec POCOs? How many change hands each month?


Thanks. I’ll check it out.

I don’t know if they included it this graph and on phone so not easy to look but most months they’ve included the breakdown of null vs other bounties and it’s like 95% Null.

If only we could see “total isk farmed” to be able to look at not only bounties but also wh loot, lp and other.

LP doesn’t make isk.
You can see all sources of isk creation in the game.

Why do people run missions then?

There is a difference between isk faucets and wealth transfer.
LP generates wealth transfer. That isk has to be generated by someone else and actually sinks isk via LP store costs and market taxes.