Monthly Economic Report - June 2020

That is still a source of income.

Income is very hard to measure though. Because of the volatility of prices and the delay. If I transfer 1 billion LP into items, is that income yet? Or does it wait till sold. By which point the market may have moved. What value does the raw LP have? Most LP stores have items of negative value even. And the most valuable tend to move 1 a week, so aren’t a realistic measure for the value either.
It’s also mostly irrelevant across the economy, creation and destruction matter far more than transfer.

Usually this is fixed by a defined period and rules of estimation, like “isk you´ve got in your wallet per 30 days”, just an example.
Not sure how irrelevant it is since mission runners dont tend to lose much but rather generate ton of stuff (up to a specific ship per specific mission) and affect prices on certain items.

I made no argument about a healthy, or unhealthy economy. You’ve also rather willfully missed the point. The root of that is likely similar to what causes your initial complaint. :^)

I would rather feed the ducks.

Non-sequitur much? zzzzzzzzz

So how do you handle an industrialist. They have huge turnover compared to profit. Do you count all the thoroughfare or just the difference. If you count it by difference, the month I turn my LP into items I actually take a massive loss of isk.

You’re really on a tangent. People are trying to shoehorn their playstyle everywhere? I don’t think these people actually exist, but they sure seem to bother you. Are they sending you massive evemail spam or something?

Yeah… and taxes and fees aren’t only a sink. They can be a damned expensive one.

I do high to very high margin trading, with not a lot of price updating. 2.7% of expenses are fees/taxes. Consider that I’m basically churning large amounts of isk to flip items. It adds up. If my margins were more normal, the market would be stealing most of my profits.

Also: Someone before me paid taxes/fees as well after creating those items. Less than I will spend, but still.

I even named those people but you dont think they exist.

As i´ve stated, it was just an example. I know that traders and builders have it much different than some casual ratter.

And then you sell those items and you suddenly have much more isk, right?

Sure. But the buyers also have much less isk.
This is why the MER doesn’t track that. As it’s not a reliable indictator of the economy. Only of individual wealth.

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The infamous Nullsec Blackout, aka Era of Chaos. Chaos it was, from July 12th until September 16th.

Ok? You named one person on CSM? And “those people”? And your whole tangent is for some reason an unrelated reply to me and this economic report. Still doesn’t make much sense. Are you really THAT worried about…whatever this is?

I mean, nullsec clearly isn’t going to turn into a frig dominate bunch of FW systems. And I doubt these zealots you imagine even think along these lines.

I’m sure the null guys will defeat the whole plan - they will probably just get a fleet of MWD panthers and burn past the jumpgate to the site. Good luck taking your frigate in there. Daro worries too much. His frigate-loving-enemies are no match for Gobbins/Mittani/Whoever.

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Tbh individual wealth is nothing this MER represents either.
All those nerfs to bounty generation affect only “low- to medium-class” ratters while top krabs with 10-20 alts couldn´t care less about those nerfs, they are still pulling more isk than many corporations.

I named 2 persons on CSM, one former and one current.
“Those people” are CCP.
It wasn´t a reply to you specificly, rather a consideration about future of one of the highest isk-generating areas of the game which CCP was shitting on for about a year now and doesn´t seem to stop.

You clearly didn´t listen/read what they were saying.

Actually, I’m still not sure what this has to do with FW. Or why this is a big deal. You added a non-sequitur reply about FW and are good at changing the subject.

Whining a lot isn’t an argument. Nor does it make your opinion or experience important. A lot of people in life are miserable, whine a lot, and don’t make sense.

Even on a basic level, it does not follow that strong economic indicators are objectively good for EVE. Try to argue against it. You might sound good doing it, MAYBE. Doesn’t even have to be true. It also, again, doesn’t mean your opinion or experience are important.

And the rest of the message above that was basicly “join small scale paradise”. I raised a concern about

Which does not have to do aything with FW specifically but FW space is a great example of such an area of small scale warfare.

I´d rather watch you arguing about your message “fly small and cheap stuff” having much to do with economy itself rather then with “adapt”.

The rest of your last message is not evev worth quoting, just one comment: arguing about an issue that you dont like is not whining.

This is gold. What is the concern exactly?

Congrats? This is hypocritical because the root and ongoing nature of your thread is you doing that. It’s not that I “don’t like it” … you initiated with a whine, then proceeded to whine. Trying to argue is not the same as constructing an argument.

Do i realy have to quote my own message again?

I initiated with a concern of some peoples desire to showhorn their playstyle. It you see that as whining - that´s only about you.