Monthly Economic Report - November 2019

Compare the number of players in each alliance to the number of systems they hold. Last I looked the ratio in Goon space was like 100s of players per system held.

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No it wouldn’t. Not any more than regional gates like the Cloud Ring/Fountain gate have that limit now. Besides, even if they did that, we’d just start building up caches in both areas.

Not quite. It works out to just under 144.41 characters per system held, not taking into account Init’s non-sov ‘holdings’ in Syndicate. If we take inactives, stupidly high-actives, casuals, etc, and average it all out to each character being on 4h every day, that’s be just about 49.5 characters per system at any given time, but honestly, given the number of special-purpose alts, I think the ‘average’ time any given character is on is probably more on the order of 15-20 minutes. Sure, you’ve got some folks on all the time, but usually not on all their alts, and most peoples’ special purpose alts (cynos, scouts, market alts in HS, etc) are either not on as a rule, or not in null, I think the ‘1.75-2.3 h/wk’ per character isn’t a bad range.

And that… would give an average population density at any given time of 1.5-2 characters per system, at any given time. Considering the number of systems that are completely empty right now, even in Querious, Period Basis, Fountain, and Cloud Ring… that feels about right.

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Thanks for all that, the point being, “Not Empty” which is the perception in the blue donut.

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where is the security report?


Well… that’s our space. And that’s an average. There is a lot of space out there that, at any given moment, is in fact empty. And there’s a lot of space, just looking on Dotlan, with Sov Index 5, but ADMs at or below 2. That means not a hell of a lot of activity.

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I actually had a dream last night that the Chinese players were kicking Goons out of null. Why in the hell am I dreaming about this game.

Could be an omen though, watch yer back :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Unless something in the fundamental mechanics of structures and supercapitals changes… not likely. As I’ve said in a few other threads: we ran multiple simultaneous fleets 24/7 burning down structures in Tribute this summer. It took us 6 weeks to clear 1 region that was fairly sparse in terms of infrastructure, and that was not a ‘low-effort’ undertaking.

Based on our experience in Tribute, we estimate that with our available manpower and supercapital numbers, it would take us about 18 months to burn down Delve, ignoring Querious, Period Basis, Fountain, and Cloud Ring. FRT is the only really organized bloc of majorly Chinese players (with the 2nd largest bloc… in Goonswarm), and has just over 1/3 our number of characters, and probably fewer than 1/3 our supercapital fleet.

Soooo… good luck to them?

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You almost got the point I was trying to make.

Now answer this, do you believe that 4 frigates are such a “threat” to “your space” that those 4 frigates will kill your entire infrastructure in 2 minutes and murder all your titans and sooper doopers and then stay to contest your space??

Didn’t YOU ask for “content”?

Why discourage “your content”, didn’t you want “content” after all?

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And here is where the fundamental flaw lies.

Who said they wanted content in their home region?
We protect our region so that our players can easily farm the isk and ore they need to make sure they are self sufficient within the alliance. The alliance overall works better when everyone has full stomachs. This puts the alliance in a better position to pick and choose the content that works for them.

Braindead comments like your’s going “hurrr duurr, but ~content~ don’t you want ~content~” are just plain dumb. It also does nothing more than repeat a stupid meme.

Homes is for krabbing. Deployments are for content. Hope that gets through your little skull one of these days. :slight_smile:


Just to advise you;

My understanding is that destruction is overstated because it consists of the values of killmails including dropped mods/cargo that are not actually destroyed.

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Is Outer Passage a new Delve?

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Great question. But it’s just the tip because every part of NS will eventually be like Delve unless there major, as in BO level, changes to the game.

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Won’t null sec run out of people who are willing to endlessly grind for isk?

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Whenever they want content they go suicide ganking into highsec or roam someone else nullsec with 100 man fleet.

Nobody wants to be disturbed while mining or doing PVE and they have the tools to kill such attempts so why wouldn’t they do it.

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Why would it?

All of the extra ISK I have, I’ll use to buy PLEX. And I’ll just keep it stored and watch as it gets more valuable due to inflation caused by rampant botting.

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You would need to increase the player count in order to make all of nullsec like Delve. I am not trashing the playstyle, I just wonder if there are enough people in the world that want to do that. The Eve population seems to be declining, not growing.

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Oh look, it’s this objectively WRONG statement, AGAIN.

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Wow. Yeah. You people…


Hey look it’s trending up now. For three months. I’m hoping that the loot boxes and enchanted turrets pushes the player base up even more.


IDEA : Can we get a version of the trade data that excludes PLEX ? (and maybe MCTs and Skill extractors/injectors too)

PLEX is a huge factor in the total regional trade sums, but, it is not a normal trade commodity. It is just produced by real money and is consumed as (or in liu of) real money … it’s not mined or otherwise produced or consumed by normal player activity, so it’s not really a part of the ‘normal’ in-game economy … but relative to the normal economy it has huge isk velocity, thus inflating total regional trade numbers with garbage sums and thus hiding practical regional economic data.

I don’t think this is a huge request on CCP who already produces these reports and has the tools to adjust them with relative ease, and neither is it really any threat to anyone’s economic-data-security because PLEX trade is already visible data in the game.