Monthly Economic Report - November 2019

I’m sorry, I do incursions. If I’m not shooting at NPC Sansha I’m doing it wrong.

Well, no, the big group has to be faster than the group just big enough to eat everything in front of them, or you starve.

Much like the joke about the two hunters running from the bear, they don’t need to outrun the bear, just each other.

Totally agree. A 100 interceptor fleet wasn’t any fun to engage with, and so its entirely right that it gets bosun’d to oblivion coming out of a gate. It should be recognised that some prat in a prospect with covert cyno is equally not fun and when all the people dock up and wait for their absurdity obvious hot drop bait to get bored and go away.

Yet dare I mention the plague that is cloaky camping? For some reason this kind of extremely unengageable gameplay is still considered valid.

When I started in eve, capitals could only shoot at other capitals.

The dumb thing is they keep going where they’re not wanted and they think the response will change.

Except when PL/NC decided they wanted to steal a bunch of factional stations to make oodles of ISK off their sale.

EN24 and INN reporting about glorious battles in 99% TiDi where 1000 titans were dropped on a medium engineering complex and was fought over almost as long as it takes to manufacture.

Dumbest idea since blackout?

  • ISK Velocity is back up to pre-blackout level despite heightened taxes - is good
  • MPI is almost at all-time low - not good
  • Outer Passage outratted Delve - very concerning.

Why no data from wormholes?

I have a question regarding invasion payout. There is no specific segment in isk faucet from invasion sites. However, there is a clear uptick of incoming isk under “incursion”, which makes little sense since there are less highsec incursions now.

Is it safe to assume that incursion-like payouts (invasion) are included in that segment?

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