Not saying that what you say must be wrong, but a few examples lined up do not prove anything. At first you’d have to collect and present data of game mechanic changes over X amount of years. Then take Goons and at least a handfull of other larger-than-average interest groups and look at every single change that happened. Find out who rooted for it, who didn’t, who warned against it, who profited and so on. Furthermore, if a change was reversed or drastically changed after player protest, do it for every single of these cases too.
If you could do this, even just for 5 years, and find that Goons, relative to other large interest groups, find their playstyle more commonly supported by new mechanics, changes to existing mechanics or that their protest was commonly more successful than that of others, you have some meaningful data.
Even if you did the work and the data reinforced your assumption, you’d still have to find prove or at least something that hints beyond mere suspicion, in order to have a convincing argument that CCP knowingly favors and supports Goons within EVEs power dynamics.
Then, even if you had that, there would still be the unsolved and possibly unsolvable question: why would CCP do that? I mean even if all of the above was true and laid out in perfect detail and supported by enough data to state beyond reasonable doubt that something is fishy, you’d end up with only two possible explanations, both of which you possibly wouldn’t be able to prove and both of which might get you in trouble with CCP.
The first would be that CCP feels pressured to comply with Goons, due to being afraid to lose subscriptions. If that was true, I think it is hard to prove. First off, Goons being the largest Alliance by number of members, doesn’t mean they have the largest amount of subscriptions of any interest group or even the largest amount of active players. Second, IF that was true, CCP would and could never admit it, for multiple reasons.
The second possible explanation you’d end up with is good old corruption. While theoretically it is possible and while it kind of happened before, this is not something that you would be able to prove. I’d even say if you were able to prove it, not only would you damage CCP more than Goons, but you would damage the game more than you do any good to it. So if you make all that work and find out something like this, please do not post it openly anywhere and contact CCP directly.
Until then, and I doubt you or anyone else is willing or able to do this work, it is maybe better to refrain from such statements and focus on what stays problematic after ignoring everything that is mere suspicion: the contradiction between sandbox and constant world-shaping by CCP. Running both strategies at the same time, maybe there is no other way than to end up in situations like now, where certain playstyles are nerfed into nirvana, while others get sugar on top of their candy.