Monthly Economic Report - October 2023

It’s a you problem.

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It is actually a CCP problem. Opening the picture from the actual page in a new tab only loads the small resolution version. Only by first loading it in the lightbox as larger version and then opening it from there in a new tab loads the large resolution version. This is entirely on CCP as it does not make any sense to open the thumbnail picture instead of the full res version in the new tab.

You click on a slide, it opens that slide but in a “show full page” kind of way. You can then zoom in on it for more detail or rightclick-save it as a PNG. The forum software just tries to contain it all within its frames until you click it twice, forcing it to.

@CCP_Zelus where is the abyssal activation chart

That is what happens when you left click on it. Now try the same without and just open it in a new tab or save it. Then you get a picture with only 900x1000 resolution. That’s not how it should be. So, what is your point?

My point is that it works, it just works differently. You can argue about what is preferred but the op going


Makes it sound as if you can not get good results. You can, you just have to click one extra time. It’s a him problem.

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Continue reading down the posts, you’ll see what I get to. You could have saved yourself some time.

Why would I. If I see someone acting like an entitled 4 year old having an episode, I stop bothering. As one should, why reward horrible behaviour.

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That’s stupid from you then. What I meant is I came to understand how to use the lightbox tool and acknoledged it was a code 18 issue from reading Dyver_Phycad and Darkestkhan Eriker responses, and I apologizing to them and being thankfull. This being said, and like Dyver also point to you a few times, is it would be best to have the native resolution available the usual way as well, not just from the lightbox.

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I don’t even know what a ‘‘Lightbox’’ is and I’m not sure I can get it on Mac anyway. I still can’t view images in high res. To me, this is CCP adding some additional steps in order to be able to access the content that should be accessible just from clicking on it once!


It’s javascript thingy. It works whenever you load a page. Use website properly and you will get high res images. Use it wrongly and you are on your own.

Everyshore is a nice region. Its farily active and its small. So your region wide buy orders does not create a logistical nightmare. I fully expect my orders to be outbid and my competition to go up after this post :slight_smile:

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