"… as well as the Venture changes … " Huh? What you talkin’ about, Willis?
Yah exactly. Great job CCP on attacking botting, rmt and other malicious activity. We are with you, we support you and New Eden capsuleers will forever remain vigilant.
Good to get the botters and RMTs 86’d from the game. Think it’s a win for everyone who plays by the rules, loose as they are But really people bot mining especially screws up the economy from the bottom up imo. We’re all better off without that
If I remember correctly, the Blackout / Chaos Era being implemented was initially cited to just ‘Shake Things Up’.
Now it’s implementation is being cited as an action for ‘The War On Bots’?
We can see by looking at the graph below that a combination of the blackout as well as a renewed focus on hammering these kinds of illicit behaviors into the ground have had a massive impact on the amount of ISK being poured into the economy of New Eden by suspected botters.
весь сабкап выгнали.
причем тут боты?
Жалкое зрелище.
это что подставные аккаунты для похвалы???
Неужели вы не понимаете, что изменения в экономике произошло не из-за блокировки ботов.
Уничтожили 70% всей деятельности в нулях.
с тем же успехом можно просто закрыть проект.
Ботов в нем не будет.
Whats Russian for HTFU. Null being safer that Hello Kitty is over.
Removed some inappropriate comments.
I know for a fact that the blackout has killed +90% of the mining in our region by Human players. Can’t speak for bots, I’ve not been able to identify any in the systems I used to mine. If killing mining in null was the goal, good job!
Nah, that’s just the shock from a change, people will adapt and evolve and start producing in a more engaging way.
Yeah! Of course! Nullsec dont become more dangerous, than WH! Everyone, who left was botting miners, botting carebears and RMT-scum!
When “blackout” started, I heard “Its summer! Online always lower on summer! We defeated botters!”. Meanwile, regions without cap. umbrella become dead.
And now again what? Its not summer, online still falling and we have “fresh news about bot-hunting”, yeah.
Its a good time to admit, that “blackout” was the worst idea CCP could create, especially if we keep in mind fresh bug described on Reddit. “Blackout” was much worse for good players, than for botters.
No, it’s not the shock from a change. The losses to miners now are unsustainable. The blackout has so shifted the advantage to aggressors that miners cannot cover the losses. A small group of poorly fitted reds can make a circuit of an area, or watch changes to system stats on Dotlan, and quickly find any active miners. There is no current method to rebalance that equation for miners in typical null regions. Casual mining is actually completely eliminated in the current balance.
I dont want to sound negative here, but this Dev Blog said that about 8k accounts were banned in August. Should we not be seeing a significant drop in user counts? I would assume that Bots would be running as close to 24/7, yet I dont see much of a drop in users.
Are they just making new accounts as quickly as they are banned?
They have banned over 16,000 accounts in the last 2 months for botting and RMTing. That would have a huge effect on the logged on numbers but you will never hear the Null sec whiner babies agree to that, it does not fit their narrative, which is the same as it has been for over a decade “Give us what we want or we will unsub and kill the game” except CCP have FINALLY realised that giving in to them IS killing the game.
This is so true and for some reason rarely acknowledged as being anti-blackout…
While dotlan and the in game map still show the “free intel” of what’s happening where, its only a blackout for some people, not everyone. Though really, at this point its pretty well known what pocket systems to go looking for the 31337 PvP of blowing up miners and ratters.
This didn’t work for war declarations. People know when to dock up, log of and leave. It took years, if not over a decade for CCP to finally admit and correct the imbalance. Hopefully it won’t take so long for them to figure out how imbalanced the blackout is too.
My old alliance just had a meeting on the weekend. It seems pretty clear that PLEX prices are dropping, so anyone who sold while it was > 4 million each has done well, everyone is going to get liquid ISK and wait for PLEX to bottom out. They’re not loosing anything by staying docked and they’ve got time to amalgamate all their junk that ended up being scattered by asset safety.
Staying docked, denying content isn’t exactly a win, but going into the blackout will result in a loss.
My gaming groups discord server has more people in the warframe channel than the eve channel. Before blackout there wasn’t even a warframe, rust or space engineers channel.
Maybe I’ll play again, but I’m not willing to play while the rules stay as they are.
With the blackout and the bans its been suggested that the game is already being “killed” because many of the so called “bots” would be better PvP content than the current supply of endless empty space.
There’s a drop in user accounts, but its not just from bot purging.
Its quite myopic to claim that the null security space groups have made such threats, when the idea of the blackout comes straight out of the reddit TAPI playbook. If there was a workplace that was in need of a tweak to its social media policy, it’d be CCP and a total ban on using reddit and twitter as a substitutes for this forum.
Пустые слова, где список заблокированных персонажей???
В нулях сабкап беспомощен и деятельность игроков в нулях резко упала.
(атака по маяку не дает возможности не убежать, не защититься.)
Это и внесло изменение в экономику.
Ценой всех игроков песочницы (не только ботоводов).
Casual mining belongs to high-sec.
Null should be for organized groups who can afford to form a proper fleet of miners and guards, or am I mistaken?
Maybe it’s time to admit that for many people the null is actually too much and should move to higher security sectors.
Or it’s time to actually start making friends.
And if you can’t trust anyone - welcome to EVE! - where you can run as many accounts at your side as there is plex on the market.
по моему этот форум бесполезен из-за спама имбицилов и молчания КПК.
Welcome to EvE.
What would a list of names matter.
As to null, the changes have started to revitalize other areas as players realise they are not the elite of this game, just the elite for hello kitty maybe.
If you cannot handle null as the risk is increased to equal the reward, there are other areas with less risk.
Как отличить ботовода и RMT-пользователя от обычного честного игрока?