⭐ MOONPIRE Investment Bank !closed!

Check out my two characters Temijin and Temijhin. You will see both have been in game for over ten years. I invested 10bil isk in MoonPire… Every month I have gotten my interest payment. I think I’m going on my 4th month with this company. I supported the effort (yes took a chance) as it was something new and player driven. Do not invest any amount that you couldn’t afford to lose as something could happen in real life that prevents the MoonPire folks from meeting their obligations. No scam. Just life happens as we all know.

I have found the MoonPire folks to be honorable. It is making good passive income for me every month to supplement my other operations. If you are wealthy enough to have isk laying around looking for a placte to invest it to protect your liquid funds from Eve inflation (yes I remember when you could by a Domi for 50mil isk), I would recommend MoonPire.

As a banker in real life, I do make unsecured personal loans of significant amounts (remember, a credit card is an unsecured personal loan). So, I made one here to support someone doing something new.

Feel free to mail either character in game if you have questions. Temijin or Temijhin.

Jeronica - prove to us you are not an evil person. Prove to us you’ve never molested a child. Prove to us you are not a thief. Prove to us you have never cheated on your spouse or significant other. The burden of proof is not on us to prove that you are not/have done these things, it’s on you to prove that you are not.

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Damn, you got me there…

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I find it really funny this is almost a copy paste of Fannie Anathema’s bond he had going before he shut it down, and mine as well.

Jeronica isn’t asking to look after your children. Arisha is asking for ISK.


Prove to me you’re not a moron.

You were not very convincing. All your posting history seems to be in this thread only, and you made some utterly stupid, and i mean, completely devoid of reason levels of idiotic postings to defend arisha moon and her thread, which makes me think that you are her friend or alt account.

Sure. And if jeronica was asking us to trust her and hand over billions of isk, she sure as hell would have to demonstrate her trustworthiness.

Big surprise. You want trust, you have to show you can be trusted.

Even bigger surprise. Act like an asshat and idiot, and no one will trust you.

Too late. He already proved he is a moron. Have you seen his past posts in this thread?

Good service!
I received dividends on September 1, as expected. In this month I invested another 50kkk.


isk received. at all 100 billion.

Hope you didn’t sell the gvex just to get scammed out of the isk.

@Hypatia_Dardi hey, you’re the CEO of a very prolific RMT ISK selling corp!


Nah m8, they’re just really bad at falling for scams… totes legit

Updated the 1 post, now i am working with new conditions.

So my interest rate just changed? If so. Please get me a refund

no who invested before change, will have old conditions. also you will get 5% / month. but if you want your isk back, no problem.

As long as I’m staying at 5% it’s fine

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Thanks for researching! So Moonpire has business with and gets vouches from RMTers, good to know.

@ Elizabeth_Norn and Tipa Riot
I have reported you for false allegations and reputation damage, you should be banned for this. if someone operates rmt and you have evidence, please report it to ccp. it has no business here.


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