⭐ MOONPIRE Investment Bank !closed!

Proof is already been provided of your links to RMT.

And further its not required to provide them to you.

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no proofs… if you you think swastika is doing rmt, then go and report them… dont spam here… if ccp did not ban him years ago, then swastika is not doing rmt… easy? you cant say that someone is doing rmt or laundering something without proofs… show any proofs and report it…

Warning people not to be involved with you is perfectly allowed.

As is reporting without needing to provide it to you.


still no proofs… i did not scammed, i did not rmt, i pay interest every month… why you warn?

Yeah yeah of course you do…
And sharks have no teeth lol

stop making false allegations and contact ccp directly and do not spam this topic.

You dont get to tell me what to do unless you wanna pick up your garbage.

Warning people about your scam isnt spam.

Infact, your constant replying to bump your thread is much more akin to spamming.

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That you hold money of an obvious RMT entity means, that everybody’s ISK in your wallet can be gone in one moment or worse damage when CCP swings the ban hammer. This is a totally relevant information and risk to mention about your ingame (aka pixel) business in this thread.

Your constant RL threats to people’s EvE accounts start to become borderline …

  1. you should stop spamming depots
  2. the problem is that IF or WHEN he is proven then entire network is going down with him, potentially including everyone who invested in moonpire money laundering scheme. That is very important information for any potential investor.
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why you think, that moonpire is laundering isk?.. as i said, in that case you can go and spam your ■■■■■■■■ in every bank topic. that the isk is not save, because of rmt. in every! or do you want to say, that ccp is incopetent and ban players without cheking them? i dont think so, i am sure that they check before they will ban someone for rmt…
and back to depots! that is the gamemechanics, it is allowed and i use it… look at the jita trade hub around… i am not the only one by the way…

Got my monthly interest

It generates lag and causes some people to dc or have client crashed… THAT is not permitted.

These things already happened. For how long was Kusion banned? How about anyone who was in erot1ca channel? How do you distinguish between investors and isk launderers? When rmt rings go down, entire rings go down.

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Back again so soon, with more controversy, I see!

If we see a bank that has known RMTers investing in it, we would call them out too. So far, yours is the only one. Congratulations at being chosen!

And yes, CCP can ban you for any reason they wish.

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If you dont do anything about it, it is our right to keep raising this concern.

Elizabeth Norn is a very respected and trusted member of the market discussion forums. Her concerns should be taken seriously. You are risking your account, and your isk, along with all your investors isk. We are concerned and are trying to help you.


if he were real doing rmt, and he was reported and not banned, then elizabeth is wrong! ans why she is thinking, only why he try to sell his vexor guardian, he is making rmt? some days ago one player wrote to and he wanted to buy a vexor guardian… also tell me pls, why you all say he is doing rmt? where are the proofs?

Give. It. A. Rest.

Your detractors are not listening to you. And frankly, who cares?

You are either an innocent person. Or, you are a typical EvE player, who is enjoying their current notoriety.

Either way, you are getting free publicity for your services. Take advantage of that, and let those who want to risk playing with you, do so. Otherwise? Please stop talking.

(Your asking for this thread to be closed too would just be a nice bonus.)

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They take time to investigate before they ban. So elizabeth is not wrong.

You do understand that CCP doesnt instantly ban everyone that was reported of RMT, right?

Because of the cost of the contracts that are being made.

Elizabeth norn provided the screenshots of the contracts as proof.


we will see… i have written to ccp bacause of this, and they will give final answer to this discussion… rmt or not

No, they wont. They dont discuss investigations regarding other players, and will tell you to accept isk from others at your own risk, and to refuse if you think its shady. Which is what we have told you to do.

On a related note, how did the war with CODE go?


huh?? code is do something?