Moving to Sweden and leaving CCP

Good luck back in Sweden o7

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Fly safe and have love forever.

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o7, fly safe and thank you for many years with us players

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And good luck rising those new clones!

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7o …

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I will miss you as one still care a bit about Chinese players


Not enough tin foil in this thread. I agree that this situation looks odd. My take is this,

Seagull returned from leave and found that in her absence other people had influenced the direction of Eve away from her vision.
Seagull protested and was told, get on board or get out.
Seagull refused to compromise and so, yeah, how does that phrase go for bands? “musical differences”.


“Wanting to spend more time with the family” is used as the reason for leaving in a surprising number of situations, including when people actually want to spend more time with the family.


Err… None of our damn business what somebody at CCP decides to do about their employment or their private lives? :question:


Sucks, but it is what it is.

Many thanks for your leadership through this incredible time in EVE. Under your ternure my EVE experience was totally transformed for the better.

I wish you and your family the best in the future. Godspeed



We will miss you.

But be warned. There are strange people outside of New Eden. Better take a Stack of Rifters with you. So you can come back to us, after your whole family achieved some basics in Spaceship Command


You could stay in Iceland and FedEx your kids to Sweden?

Ok maybe not :slight_smile:

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Just a simple fly safe and all the best to you and your family.

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@Gadget Helmsdottir, - Accountant Gadget ?

@CCP_Seagull, Family comes first, Thankyou for all of the time and energy you invested in the New Eden cluster. Good skill with any future endevor.


@CCP_Seagull, You have done some great things for the game, the community, and for CCP itself. I wish you safe and happy travels, and extreme joy with your family in your home country! We love you here, and appreciate everything you have done for us. o7

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You’ll do great things at your new position at Unity. Smart move.


It is very sad indeed to see that you are leaving CCP and Eve.
I have played off and on for years and only recently came back. Under your guidance Eve has become a fantastic experience.
Thank you for all your hard work and best wishes to you and your family.

Polar Manic

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Really wanted to click the “Best wishes” button.

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