Sometimes I’ve seen killmails with a bunch of characters with similar names. I beleive these are multiboxers because multiple people coming up with almost identical names independently would mostly end up in random places, if you pick two random players they are probably not in the same fleet nor are they in the same constellation 75% of the time one of them is online. Most, but not all, of these killmails seem to happen with high sec ganking. I’m wondering how practical this is.
If the multiboxer is going after a hauler, the execution seems simple if he knows what gate to camp. Character 1 scrams and fires, then he switches to character 2, then character 3, and so on. If you know the hull (Tydra, Occator, Crane, Ark, whatever), you can plug in the expected fit in a simulation, figure out how many shots it will take to bring it down, have that many ganking ships, if more than 10 is required maybe add 3 for extra safety. If the player for some reason used an active tank instead of a buffer one, then you overestiamted the target EHP and are pretty much guaranteed to get the kill since a hauler probably isn’t going to dodge all your shots. I believe I know how this is executed in practice.
Orcas running an Industrial core can’t move. I also can imagine how killing one is done.
But sometimes people have been scanned down and ganked while running level 4 missions. For the profit minded ganker, it’s once again “how many ships does it take to kill” vs “what’s the value of 50% of the stuff being dropped?” and for those who just want a killmail, it is only the former. One small problem I see. a lot of Level 4 mission runners use active reps. While you multibox and go from one character to another pressing F1, if it takes more than 4 accounts to bring him down, that’s probably enough for a medium armor repaier to finish a cold cycle. Won’t this throw off calculations of the ganker? I’m a solo boxer and probably will be that way indefinitely (well, maybe if I run into a windfall of ISK equivalent of 304 months of subscription I’ll make 7 alts and PLEX them ha ha ha) so I have no first hand experience, but it seems to me there isn’t an obvious way to switch between accounts fast enough to prevent this from happening.
What about low sec gate camping? Well, I don’t know how this will work. A mixture of hulls will result in differing optimal ranges. Even if all the hulls are the same, they need to spread themselves so that if someone pops out. I remember months ago at one point 8 characters (5 with almost the same name, a tackle frigate, 1 crusier, and 3 battlecruisers) tried to bust me by a gate, but 4 of the 5 similar people acted sluggishly, and once the gate gun killed the guy with scram I was able to use my MWD and get out of point range to warp away. One of the battlecruisers remembered his cloud of drones and sent them after me once the tackle frigate died while the other 3 characters with the same name had their donres idly orbit their ships. Maybe 5 people independently came up with similar names. However, I think what happened is a multiboxer tried to get me and he only had 1 ship with scram. Since he tired to be within 17 to 20 ish km from me, nothing slowed me down once the gate gun shredded the Executioner. I kind of wish I sicced my drones on him so I could end up on the killmail (and I’d be able to search it since while I don’t have the right character string for his name, I know how to spell mine making it easy to find). But even if I’m wrong and this situation I escaped from was not a multiboxer, the question remains is this practical to multibox a low sec gate camp? And if ti is practical, how would it be executed?