Feelings mutual, if I didn’t believe you were blinded by some dying light that will always view you and yours as the dim bulb that is only tolerated instead of as something different and just as strong as those who view you as a second class citizen for your ancestry instead of your merit I may respect your holders more. Note, not respect you, since you yourself prescribe to being a avatar of a person who can’t seem to think beyond what another people’s words dictate. Please, apply for pie instead of their auxiliary. See what your faith brings you since after all, your a second class citizen. You are nothing in their eyes because you weren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth. F*** your god since IT ignores those who are truely faithful to it, only playing favorites towards those who the scriptures deem “good people.” “True” amarr, not anyone else.
Would you like to explain why I’m wrong by quoting scriptures? My point exactly.