Undoubtedly, over the last days, I expect that many citizens of the Ammatar Mandate on Tanoo II and Jarizza VI—also known as “Halturzhan”—have looked to the skies with uncertainty as The Ghosts of Kahah seized control of these planets’ respective Customs Offices. Please allow me to reassure the citizens of these worlds that we do not wish to disrupt life or to spill Ammatar blood, whether slave or free. In fact, as a sign of good faith, The Ghosts of Kahah have reduced the non-Empire tax rate on capsuleer trade to these planets to 0%. Let there be an era of fresh and reinvigorated investment upon these planets.
We do however, wish to bring a matter of grave importance to the Ammatar Consulate government and House Ardishapur. We are interested first and foremost in the emancipation and reunification of families torn asunder by the aftermath of the Elder-Thukker liberation in YC110. Though over ten years have passed since the liberation fleets first crossed into Ammatar and Amarr space, many continue to suffer in slavery, imprisonment, or penal military service. It is time for these sentences to be commuted and broken families once again made whole.
Specifically, The Ghosts of Kahah request:
I. That an emancipation proclamation be issued for all who were enslaved as penalty due to their relation to Ammatar/Nefantar or others who collaborated with the Elder-Thukker Fleet, including the family of former Grand Admiral Einkur Aro, in conjunction with a guarantee of safe conduct for such individuals.
II. That an emancipation proclamation be issued for any and all remaining slaves of Starkmanir descent in the Ammatar Mandate, if any, in conjunction with a guarantee of safe conduct for such individuals.
III. That a general amnesty be issued for those related to Ammatar/Nefantar or others who collaborated with the Elder-Thukker Fleet who remain at-large or are in hiding within the borders of the Ammatar Mandate, in conjunction with a guarantee of safe conduct for such individuals.
IV. That an honorable discharge be issued for all service personnel of the 1st Mandate Redemptionist Brigade, comprised of the 1st Tanoo Redemptionist Regiment, the 2nd Tanoo Redemptionist Regiment, and 1st Sasta Redemptionist Regiment, as well as the honorable discharge of service personnel of any additional penal units drawn up from the Ammatar Mandate established since then, if any.
V. That the Ammatar Mandate and House Ardishapur seek to enter dialogue with the Starkmanir Tribe and Nefantar Tribe in establishing an official policy of reunification for families who find themselves separated by conflict, slavery, or other circumstances including, but not limited to, actions taken during the Elder-Thukker Fleet Liberation of YC110.
VI. That the family of Armast Darkar receive general amnesty for the crime of relation to Armast Darkar, in conjunction with a guarantee of safe conduct for such individuals.
To ease the costs and the burdens of facilitating these requests, The Ghosts of Kahah have taken control of the Customs Offices above Tanoo II and Halturhzan. Our personnel are standing by to aid in this effort of healing if but Lord Arim Ardishapur or Consulate Governor Ekroz Salaf agree to these requests. The Ghosts of Kahah reserve all extraterritorial rights afforded to these Customs Offices as established under the Yulai Convention and the Secure Commerce Commission’s Independent Planetary Management Act.
Furthermore, The Ghosts of Kahah have anchored and onlined an Astrahus-class citadel above the planet of Halturzhan to aid in the reunification process and open the citadel as a meeting place for representatives of the Ammatar Consulate, House Ardishapur, the Starkmanir Tribe, and Nefantar Tribe, for the convenience of these entities. The Ghosts of Kahah reserve all extraterritorial rights afforded to this citadel as established under the Yulai Convention.
While the rest of Holy Amarr is embroiled in conflict and tragedy, let the Ammatar Mandate be a beacon of diplomacy, reconciliation, prosperity and dialogue.
We request the benefit of a reply by 7.4.YC121 (April 7, YC121).* We will consider silence on this matter to be a summary rejection of all requests.
*The request of the benefit of a reply has been amended from the 7th of April YC121 to the 11th of July YC121, otherwise the 141st Anniversary of Liberation Day.