Well was looking at random peeps while flying around awhile ago and come across this guy shooting what looked like bots maybe ?? Sooo i decided to look at his kb and guess what lets just pad our kb Killboard
So i wonder if it worth to dec them just for the laughs ??
That’s not even possible. The time needed to redock, reship, undock alone would only allow for 3-4 per minute. There are literally over a hundred that took place at 7:29 and that was when I gave up looking.
Just because your understanding of the game is limited doesn’t make it sketchy or impossible. A quick view of the killmails would have shown you it was done with smartbombs.
Guy uses orca or bowhead, warps to safe spot, dumps ships out, moves off a bit and duels friend/alt. Friend/Alt smarties all the things and voila you have as many killmails as you want the cheap way and everyone knows your a moron for doing it.