Without a single thought!
Let’s not insult him by making it sound like he’s a thinking person!
We don’t need to go that low, you know!
Without a single thought!
Let’s not insult him by making it sound like he’s a thinking person!
We don’t need to go that low, you know!
Sounds much better than having your eyes wide open and “seeing” things that don’t happen.
Your existence is redundant already, always will be, and not because anyone other than yourself did anything about it.
Argument from Authority fallacy…
You’re too gullible to even warrant a response.
65 more words later…
No based on on logic and experience.
But gullible people will always be gullible.
Gullible people believe people that make claims with zero proof. You can make whatever claim you want, be it logic,experience, holy spirit or aliens but the fact remains you are operating on and demanding faith.
Funny that it’s only true when it goes your way.
You claim BS and when caught red handed you “know better than other people”.
When I look at you, and I look at Caedor, I see no difference. Just two kids who can’t accept to be corrected.
Who are you talking to? I assume me but I’d like confirmation first…
wait… so hes multiboxing that hard AND streaming… wtf is his pc? fit pls lol
Well you can really turn down eve, I often use 9 clients on crappy laptop and have no issues.
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