Mwd-cloak trick not working

I am constantly amazed at the disconnect many people on this forum experience when they start responding on their keyboards - it’s frightening tbh.

About half of the respondents are very helpful and the other half…well, they’ve lost it! That’s about as nice as I can be about this.

The forums are about helping players. My wish is that you people who just want to be ornery and those that feel the HAVE TO start an argument JUST STAY AWAY (you aren’t contributing to the forum’s purpose at all).

But I realize that my request will be ignored - it’s the same IRL

Anyway, thanks to those that contributed positively to my thread. The problem was solved in the 3rd post, which told everyone the issues was solved on re-boot. It was just a glitch in some scrambled code somewhere and it obviously was just in my software and did not reproduce elsewhere. Plus it had NOTHING to do with any of that garbage found in half the comments that followed.

How about reading the description of the section you are in?

A place to discuss

That doesn’t mean derailing the discussion with non-topic-related BS and arguing back and forth about same…

get a grip

besides the topic was finished when it was determined that the issue was solved by re-boot and the rest was just wasted space

When you decided how to solved the issue only your participation in the discussion was finished (assuming you didn’t had more interest in it) others are free to keep arguing topic-related BS (as they did) and even being a little annoyed for not being able to reach an agreement (as they did).
If you don’t like you may argue with them (as you did) and being a little annoyed (as you did) …or you may just ignore them and move on. Others may still help themselves with some insight from the discussion.

Matter of fact, by mistake or by ignorance, you posted in the section of the forum where all that is “business as usual”. No one to blame but you if it was not what you expected.

You should probably ask the mods to close the topic, if you feel it has concluded.

That will stop us continuing to use it as a public convenience.

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