Update, was having the same issue, logged in today to try, was able to log in just fine, logged out to the window looking the same (skill info and so on missing), quit game, started the account back up from launcher and yep, it was broken again, same as before, it was nice while it lasted xD
Hopefully this will get fixed soon, I’d really like to try the new EDENCOM ships!
Yeah I really wanna keep creating some dumbass ship fits on my main account please :c I want my golem that reps capital dps
I have run into the exact same issue today.
Logged to Singularity and worked on the new EDENCOM ships for hours.
In the meantime I had the skill ‘Small Vorton Projector’ training to V with 13-14 hours left.
But I was not in one the new ships and I was in a station.
I logged off because the eve client had got real laggy and could not login back ever.
Did everything from clearing client cache but nothing works.
Player support says ‘we can’t help test server’
This is really not cool.
Seems like as soon as something test server related comes up, we gotta sort it out ourselves. I wonder if we just gotta wait for the skills to finish training which is a rip to me because I got level 5 in queue
Same issues here
Same issue with my account. Set the new skills to train, now unable to log in.
Same issue here. Had the new skills in queue and logged off in the new frigate. Cant login anymore.
Same issue here, i suspected either the skills or the ship was the issue, because it’s only seemed to affect one account this far.
+1 same
looks to be fixed now
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