My Experience: An Open Letter to CCP

yes…if he need to send an “I quit” message, at least do it with some self-respect.
I don’t share the same sentiment or perspective. But he earned my respect.

…Altho, I would reiterate that I’m willing to accept any stuff he is leaving behind.

Can I have your stuff as well? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Don’t let it stop you from sending me the stuff.

My friend, I’m genuinely happy that you still find such enjoyment in it.

tl dr
but since @Destiny_Corrupted is posting steam games
here is my favorites

PS: played 24 hours of the poˆ% one just for the history… ofc

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It has always been an honor to fly with you my friend. I don’t have anything to add to your letter, except simply that I endorse everything you said.

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Removed some off topic posts.

By taking away sand from the sandbox CCP is taking a lot of autonomy, competence and relatedness away from players, thus destroying intrinsic motivation, player trust, long term planning, ability to establish dominance hierarchies, which supported serotonin reward system. Scarcity also crippled extrinsic motivation of players, which supported @CCP_Dopamine reward system.


EVE will never have what these other games with story have, to feel incorporated into the story, to feel immersed. Because EVE doesnt have technology, tools, and people behind the tools. There was CQ, but instead of being incorporated into scene generation with player as a center of events, even with DUST like shooting elements or exploration, it became space office you could sit in, for years, then removed.

EVE PvE is largely only bare bones with text bubble in missions nobody reads after first time doing them. In cases where its a fleet site without any agent contacting you, its more complicated and things you have to pay attention to, to win encounter. These are largely more fun than solo missions.

very good post .There is also the issue of the omega time price . Omega game time cost 15$ , That is rly high for some country’s .But it seams ccp is focused on US and central Europe costumers .


You have been playing for 8 years and you haven’t yet realized the only reason PvE content exists is so PvP players have victims to kill?

So you is saying whats being said prety much since 2009 and you hope that anyone up there gives a damn, you are trying to succeed where many of us have failed. Even when i appreciate the write up and i realy do, its sad to say, but its completely pointless waste of time from your side.

CCP adopted the “nevermind the bollocks” doctrine quite some time ago. They keep filling up their ocean of promises in which they will very likely drown sooner or later anyway. Let them do what they do best, live in the irrelevant ancient dogma of EVE being great one-of-a-kind hardcore mass multiplayer game. They fail to realize that in the meantime the game turned into huge pile of garbage anyway. Whether you leave or dont makes no difference to them.


You have complained more against your RL than against EVE: then, the logic imposes to do a bit better there, solve some issue, then return to EVE with new eyes.

See; the trolls dont really have anything concrete to say when you make a thoughtful and polite OP, just jibberjabber and empty ad homineneniminems.

EvE players watching what ccp has been doing since the Greed is Good / Summer of Impotent Rage™ fiasco and trying to tell themselves EvE isn’t going where they see it’s going…


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EVE pve is a calculation of incoming dps vs repair, dps vs time, isk/h vs losses etc. It’s not like you can use asteroids as cover or do trick shots. And it’s never going to be like that.

With regards to storyline: How are CCP realistically going to give every single player in the game their own personal narrative to play through? And how are they going to justify the end of that narrative impacting everyone elses game whether they are willing or not? And then what? Run it again? And again?

CCP gave players the opportunity to alter the landscape with trig invasions and it pissed half the playerbase off.

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Seriously…, the Trig invasion had a major imbalance that meant that Caldari systems were so much harder to defend. Otela was the best example which was lost due to the NPC vs NPC side of the fight.

If that imbalance had not been so evident then I am sure that Otela would not have fallen and more people would have accepted the results.

I think you may be baiting here, I hope you are not.

PS Before I get an emotive reaction from Trig players, I am not downplaying your active participation in any way, and any one reasonable would acknowledge this issue.

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I can see the appeal of a more story or lore based PVE, it gives things more meaning and perhaps allows one to make choices for their character. The problem is that when content like that is added to an MMO people complete it (or rush through it) and then they’re “done”. They will probably whine about how it “sucked” and “had nothing great” and then ask for more content, feverishly waiting for the next expansion which they are sure of will be “awesome”. Rinse repeat.

That is how most MMO’s are set up: Add easily consumable content in the form of a story and some carrots on a stick until people have done it all and then sell them a new expansion with the next part. Their monetisation partly comes from “sell next expansion with content”, that’s what fuels it and that is what makes it possible so if there would be no financial reason to make that content (sell expansions) then MMO’s probably wouldn’t do it at all or at least not at the quality and frequency one would want. Yes it would be cool but after having completed it then there’d again be “nothing to do” and you’ll want “more”, which CCP can’t do because A) it’s not that type of game and B) EVE doesn’t have that type of monetisation.

EVE is not like that, it’s about player created content and stories. On top of that because EVE doesn’t do paid expansions so there is no incentive for CCP to start creating these continued story or lore based content patches.

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From my point of view it seems like in the past (>2 years ago) EVE went into the direction of getting easier… too easy for people who love some kind of challenge. But easy enough to attract a lot of new people. Unfortunately most of these new people are of the type: „Go for the next big thing“. These people however tend to be not sustainable from a long term income perspective for CCP as well as from content provision perspective for EVE.

Therefore CCP decided to move back to get EVE more challenging. This naturaly made all the new people run away quickly as game got to less instant rewarding for them and you know the next big thing is always available in another corner of the Internet.

So we are currently stuck in the middle of a transition as it turns out to be not so easy to get the challenge lovers back, as they are less switching the gears quickly just because something changes or new is available.

Let’s hope CCP manages the transition over X-mas maybe by coming up with really great innovation bringing people back to the game.

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The most controversial part of the trig invasion was niarja by far. Just saying.

True, but it was a very good change of the landscape.

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